MR. NON-PC - The Red Scare: Stoking Fear Porn Since 1950

2 months ago

We're always hearing "ohhhhhhhhh Russia is gonna nuke us" from the satanic U.S Government and the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media since 1950!!

And can't the silent generation and the old boomers catch on by now, that Russia isn't a threat to the people in the United States....but rather the satanic U.S Government is a MUCH greater threat than anyone or anything!!

And in my opinion most of the Russia red scare propaganda is coming from the CIA,FBI,NSA and other faucets of the military industrial complex is a lot of frustration that they can't control Russia. You know their wet dream would be "regime change" you're talkin!!

We have to see who the true evil is in this world, and sadly (and not surprising to you or I if you've been paying attention)it is the satanic U.S Government.

Look at all the unnecessary never-ending wars the satanic U.S Government has been involved in, lying and murdering their own citizens (the CovidCult) and taxing the average man and woman into oblivion the past 40 years.

The list of crimes against the entire world and it's own citizens for the satanic U.S Government is a mile long, and the general population is sick and tired of the runway corruption.

The average person needs to SNAP OUTTA THEIR TRANCE!

They can push all the fear porn and lies they want...but if the majority didn't buy into it or believe it then it would have NO POWER!

We need to realize that our enemy is not in a far far away's been the satanic U.S Government all along!

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