Dimensions and Timelines Explained – Channeling Erik

2 months ago

Dimensions and Timelines: How to Jump Timelines – How to Jump Dimensions.

Dimensions are discussed first and then the Timelines.

Summary: (Begins at 3:10 mark) With Elisa Medhus, Erik Medhus and Courtney Dillon.

Timelines and Dimensions are two different concepts. Timelines exist within Dimensions.

Dimensions are different perspectives of the same oneness. We can experience different dimensions ourselves depending on our frequency. We can now move into the 5th dimension through our own individual frequency.

Dimensions are all intertwined. They are all part of the oneness, the Source. We can experience them differently depending on our frequency.

Imagine standing on the top of a huge mountain, now you turn your body to focus on a different direction, that is how shifting dimensions work also, what you focus on will be the dimension you experience.

Does the 5th dimension look the same? Yes and No.

It will look very, very similar but what we experience based on our vibration or frequency will be different.

In the 5th dimension, we begin to understand ourselves as ONENESS. We are part of Source. We are part of oneness. Once we understand this we will see others differently. At this point you will be integrating all that you have learned from the 3rd dimension.

This dimension is characterized by Unconditional Love. Love for yourself and Source energy. You will still be you though. You will still do what you do. But you will understand you are part of the oneness, you are part of the collective. You will KNOW you are.

Your choices will be based off your heart. This is really who you are. Not from the programming of the 3rd dimension.

In the 5th dimension we release a lot of that garbage and we experience more oneness, more TRUTH.

Ascension – is leaving the human cycle of rebirth. WE can decide if we want to clear our Karma, which is the unhealed energy stored in the Chakra’s from life to life and in ascension this is released and we experience ourselves as part of the oneness.

Dimensions exist SIMULTANEOUSLY. There are infinite Parallel Dimensions. Infinite.

We for a long time were in the reality of the 3rd dimension which is the opportunity to experience a lot of good and evil and polarity. Now we have the opportunity to move through our own personal vibration to a higher 5th dimension.

We are moving into Unity Oneness. We just have to catch up. It won’t be for everyone and it is not met for everyone. It is a PERSONAL choice. Others will play the role in this life to help you wake up. You can get on the train if you want and realizing we are part of the oneness. We are source. We are powerful. We are in a realization phase right now.

What is happening right now in this timeline is that people are having the choice to get on board the ascension train or not. Some people will choose to and some will not.

The 5th Dimension is NOT a place we just arrive to, it is not a place we get to. It is not like we wake up the next morning and live on a different Earth. Even though the the planet may seem very f*cked up right now, it is up to us as a Collective Unit to create this new 5th dimensional experience on the planet.

We do not create New Earth by looking and pointing the finger at other people. We create new Earth by tuning in and changing and transmuting the pain that we have and what needs to be transmuted. We can’t experience 5th dimension when we are holding on to really heavy bags.

Many are waking up right now and it is not the time to point the finger. There are evil things going on, but our point of attention needs to be on ourselves and on the oneness of unconditional love.

We exist simultaneously in ALL dimensions. We are the ONENESS.

Do animals also ascend? Animals are already living in the 5th dimension. Animals experience unconditional love more than we do. Animals are not as prone to Programming and Negative thoughts.

Hint: Turn off the Programming.


Timelines are continuum’s of space and time that can very from moment to moment based on our experiences in life and we are creating our timelines based on our choices in life. Most of us are creating our experiences from previous PROGRAMS. Once you change and begin to heal the past trauma and change your THOUGHT patterns to positive this will CHANGE your frequency you are emitting to the Universe or the field.

Our thought patterns can be influenced on Belief Systems that are TAUGHT or PROGRAMMED to us by our parents or other external influences. Belief Systems can prevent ascension or prevent you from raising your internal vibration.

What is cool is that we change timelines ALL the time. We each are on our own timelines and they switch from moment to moment. When you want to make a big jump you have to change your thought pattern. That is when you can raise your frequency and make the jump to a different timeline in which you don’t have to experience the same thing, over and over.

Once we heal the negative energies within, we can move to a timeline that is more positive.

There are various timelines within each dimension. At a certain point, when you clear enough of that negative sh*t out you will begin to experience a timeline within the NEXT Dimension. That is the real jump. That is the jump we are looking for.

This may not be easy. In fact, it may seem like in this process of figuring everything out, that your life is falling apart. It may get very chaotic.


Because this timeline has to DISSOLVE.

It may feel like you are LIMBO Land. You may feel a bit lost. A bit disoriented.

One we begin elevating our frequency and leave the old frequency, that old frequency which is on the old timelines will dissolve. This is when we will move into a NEW set of experiences. A new timeline and be find attractiveness to other things and people within this new timeline. This is based on our new, elevated and true frequency.

It is hard for us to understand this: Our point of Attraction is so POWERFUL our Beliefs are so POWERFUL that we can actually draw to us new kinds of friends and new jobs and new girlfriends/boyfriends, etc.

When we become PASSIONATE in the new timeline, we can attract ANYTHING we desire with our magnetism, our new frequency.

Once you discover truth, you are free. We are a soul that is part of the Collective and the Collective is ONE, we begin to understand truth. We begin to acknowledge it. We being to accept it. We begin to realize it. We are part of source and very powerful. We realize truth. The truth will set you free. Freedom is doing what you want. It is the road to happiness. To bliss.

No matter how ugly the world may be, you don’t have to think about HOW it will change – it just WILL change when we come to this realization of truth. We WAKE UP!

We are CONSTANTLY creating new timelines in this dimension. We move forward, backward, side ways, upside down, inside out – things can become discombobulated and seem very chaotic as we strive for truth amid these difficult timelines in this world. The dark is doing everything to keep us programmed and not critically thinking and keep us in a negative state of mind, they are poisoning our environment because they think it will stop us.

They can’t stop us. The only ones who can stop us is us by believing their nonsense – their mind programming.

Waking up can seem like a tedious, long, convoluted road to discovering truth as there is so much garbage and darkness we have to plow through. A lot of times we think we are experience truth but it is just another obstacle to overcome. Two steps forward and then a step back. We must keep moving forward. Keep our thoughts positive. Love is the highest frequency.

Love is the key to creation, to manifestation, to making the jump.

The truth is that once realize our true power, we can make that jump out of the all the timelines in the 3rd dimension and enter the 5th dimension. It’s a process.

We do not die. Our physical body may die, but WE, our True Soul, our Conscious Energy, NEVER dies

The Dark do not want you to know this. Just realizing this is very powerful.

WE have ALWAYS existed. We will ALWAYS exist. We are part of the ONE. We are part of Source. We are part of God.

Once we come to KNOW this, nothing on the outside will have the power to take this truth away. We become more compassionate, more grateful and more loving. We raise our frequency.

The Golden Timeline: The opportunity that we have as humans in this particular junction on Earth to experience our Divine Timeline.

We are so programmed. We have to unravel the programming.

We can claim that we want to live in the divine timeline.

This process may be painful. It may feel like it drags on. We have to de-program. We have to stand in the truth of who we are. We have the divine spark of light within us.

Timelines are based on your Energy and your Choices.

There are points on our timelines in which we can experience change very, very quickly. There are also points in which those changes will not be so easily and will be a slow, grinding process. Progressing may take a little bit more effort.

All the programming has left wounds and scars. We put bandages on these wounds.

We are now in a process of removing the bandage. We can slowly remove it or we can just rip it off.

Pray to Source – Ask for Guidance. Ask your Angelic Guides for help and guidance.

There are Angels Among Us, talk to them.



Channeling Erik -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm0MCWmfAus

Elisa Medhus: https://atlantisscalar.com

Elisa's TikTok: @atlantisscalar

Spirit Interpreter / Medium:
- Courtney Dillon: https://www.courtneydillon.com

The Erik's Hour of Enlightenment radio show is on LIVE every TUESDAY at 4:00pm PT / 6:00pm CT / 7:00pm ET on https://apple.co/2ZWgNtj



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Thank You!!

END. 3/3/2024.

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