*Hic* Dana Loesch Notices Something OFF (More So Than Usual) About Kamala Harris' Speech Today

3 months ago

Ok, so we've been making fun of Kamala Harris' speeches for several years now because well, they're just that bad. Like the time she talked about the spanning of time? Sorry, it was about the IMPORTANCE of spanning time or something. Easily forgettable and impossible not to mock. But this speech today about the Second Amendment is weird, even for her. It sounds like she's slurring words, yes? Kamala Harris, in a giant word salad, says you're "feckless" if you don't support restrictions on Second Amendment rights. -- What's going on here? Notice how bizarrely she's moving her body as well. -- Dana Loesch @DLoesch: “Why does she sound drunk?” -- THERE IT IS! And she might be. Considering we all know she saw Biden's presser last night we'd almost understand if she needed a drink or five today. It can't be easy knowing people would prefer Botox Brain over her.

That being said, you guys know we have to make fun of her. A lot. It's our moral duty or something. Is she always drunk? After Biden is out we all get to experience more of the consequences of Democrat diversity hiring policy…. Told you guys, she's always pretty bad but this speech today … there's something else going on. It's almost uncomfortable to watch. This cackling fool is gonna pretend to be in charge? God help us… https://twitter.com/i/status/1756006837588033756

• More at: Twitchy - *HIC* Dana Loesch Notices Something OFF (More So Than Usual) About Kamala Harris' Speech Today

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