Prayer | 30 DAYS TO SAY - Day 08 - The Believer's Authority - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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30 Days to Say – Day 08 – The Believer’s Authority
Luke 10:19 (Authority—delegated power—trumps the power of the enemy!)
Matthew 18:18 (binding and loosing)
I John 4:4


Well, Jesus said:
“Behold, I give you power
To tread on serpents and scorpions.”
I just do a little jig on their head.
(Making it fun.)
Over all the power of the enemy.
And Jesus said,
Nothing by any means can hurt me.
I’ve been given power
From the SON of power,
From the Son of God.
From Jesus, the Prince of the World.
The Son of God
Who died for me,
Who was given all power,
Turned right around and gave ME power
Over every demon,
Every sickness,
Every disease,
Every devil,
Every tactic and strategy of the enemy.

This power is called authority.
God is backing me.
When I stand on His Word,
And I speak,
God is backing me.
He’s not limited in power.
I’m not limited in what I can speak.
We’re a perfect pair,
Working together:
His Word, His power,
And MY loud mouth.
(Because I’m a Loudmouth)
(And I’m a machinegun mouth)
Speaking the Word of God
To every problem,
Every mountain,
Every devil,
Every person that’s supposed to walk with God
But is not walking with God, I CALL ‘EM IN!
AND, Jesus also said,
Whatever I
(uh oh, sounds like MY responsibility)
Whatever I
Bind on earth,
HE will bind in heaven.
Whatever I, me,
Whatever I loose
On Earth,
HE looses in heaven.
I’ve got my part to play.
I do the first step,
He does the follow-through,
With all the power.
I become a loudmouth:
I SPEAK to the problem,
I RELEASE the healing,
I RELEASE the life of God.

He follows me?
He’s following me?
Yeah, He’s following me.
He said for me to bind,
And He’ll follow me.
He said for ME to bind,
For ME to release power,
Through the Word of God
Being spoken through me.
And He’s got my back, Jack.

Whatever I bind on earth,
He binds in heaven.
Whatever I LOOSE on earth,
He looses in heaven.

Whatever I bind on earth,
I bind it,
And then He does his part.
He’s following through
With everything I say and do.

AND, I have overcome the world.
Because “Greater is He who is in ME
Than he who is in the world.”
So not only do I have authority,
But the God of heaven and earth
Placed His spirit inside me,
That I can reign in this life
Having His heart and His mind,
Always knowing what to do,
And knowing how to exercise my authority
Over the devil.
I speak to problems—
They all have ears:
They hear me, and they obey—
I speak to sicknesses
I speak to heartache
I speak to oppression
They all have ears, they must hear
Did it not say that every knee shall bow to the name of Jesus?
ALL of those problems have ears to hear
And knees to bow.
They must bow,
And they must hear.
And I command them to stop
And whatever I bind on earth,
He does His part in heaven.
Whatever I loose on earth,
He backs up what I start.
I have authority
So I speak the Word of God.
This was not made complicated.
I speak the Word of God.
In my heart
I look at the problem
And I speak the Word of God.
And I command it to get straight
And it will do what I say
In Jesus’ name.
Praise God.

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