The Alien Deception DECEPTION: Trojan Horse for Deliverance Ministry and the Great Delusion | PART 1

6 months ago

The Alien Deception DECEPTION: Trojan Horse for Deliverance Ministry and the Great Delusion | PART 1 (17 Nov, 2023)
00:00 Intro
08:35 Signs and Wonders
30:11 Five-Fold Ministry
37:45 Joe Jordan’s Fraudulent Testimony
01:03:03 Conversations with God
01:30:51 Stopping the Abduction in the Name of Jesus
01:47:17 Are Abductions Demonic Possession?
Here’s Part 1 of “The Alien Deception DECEPTION: Trojan Horse for Deliverance Ministry and the Great Delusion."
This was a relatively spur-of-the-moment project sparked by Doreen Virtue's hypocritical warning on August 30th, 2023, that all deliverance ministry is dangerous and unbiblical. This is hypocritical of her because her friend, Joseph Jordan, has been endorsing deliverance ministry for decades, and she’s promoted him and his research on her channel twice now. So, despite her warnings against deliverance ministry, she’s promoting it by pointing people to the research of Joseph Jordan, and refuses to repent of these promotions.
From there, I begin to elaborate on some points I made back in Part 3 of the Pendulum Swing series (much more to come in that series as well) regarding Joseph Jordan and the deception behind the “alien deception” narrative.
This documentary is split into 2 parts. This first part focuses on: (1) Joseph Jordan’s spiritual mentor Henry Wright, who was no less an antichrist false teacher than Bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, or Steven Furtick; (2) Joseph Jordan’s fraudulent testimony, including his “conversations” with who he believed to be God Himself, as well as his selfish motivations for supposedly “converting” to Christianity; (3) the parallels between the alien abduction narrative and deliverance ministry; and (4) the concerning similarities between alien abductions and demonic possession, which calls into question the popular belief that those who have been victims of such experiences are true Christians (something we’ll explore more in the next part as well).
In the next part, we’ll look at: Good Fight Ministries (how they’re contributing to the spread of this deception), Gary Bates, more glaring contradictions of the alien abduction narrative promoted by Joe Jordan, Gary Bates, and Good Fight Ministries; a brief history of the development/promotion of the alien deception narrative by the Pentecostal/charismatic movement, the growth/mainstreaming of the alien deception narrative today, and how of all this is building toward what the Scriptures warn about in Revelation, Thessalonians, and other places. The increasing mainstreaming of the alien abduction/deception narrative is further confirmation that of all this is building up toward the false signs and wonders movement of the great tribulation, when antichrist man/kingdom will rise up to “go to war” against a demonic kingdom, which the book of Revelation calls Mystery Babylon, a satanic/demonic kingdom on earth that the Lord uses the beast kingdom to judge and destroy.
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Source: "E511Ministries"
NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!
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