2022-04-18 - MPS Board Meeting - Four of the Public Comments - Renita, Bill D., Matt B. & Mindy C.

8 months ago

Link to the full MPS Board Meeting (Budget Public Comments are at the 1:30 mark and Regular Meeting Comments at the 45:24 mark): https://youtu.be/Y9TmclbBMtQ

Great video discussing the Agenda and Education:
Who Owns Your Children? (The Dangers of Government as a Parent)

Renita’s Talk – April 18, 2022
This is the 7th month that I have gotten up to address this Board. I stand and speak for those in this community that cannot speak for themselves. There are teachers for fear of losing their jobs, parents for fear of their child being singled out and community members for fear of repercussions with their business or family.

I am a child of God and choose to stand and fight for the children of this community. There is an agenda that exists to destroy the family, indoctrinate the children and destroy the future of this country. So many parents do not understand the depths to which they will go to steal the very souls of the children. One way is through the indoctrination and perversions that are being taught in the schools through the DEI, CRT, SEL and other programs. As our elected officials, you have chosen to embrace this Marxist agenda that is going after the children of this school district.

In the midst of the pandemic, MPS Board members held board meetings and a workshop in the summer of 2020. A Board of Education Proclamation was made. It reads: Resolution to Change the System, Eliminate Racism and Create More Equitable and Inclusive Schools for All. This was done on August 3rd 2020. Great time to make such a big change, when everyone is distracted with a pandemic. Such priorities.

It is clear that this district is driven by their community business partner’s agenda, which is primarily Dow Corporation. They lent a manager for 15 months, encourage the DEI program and contributed to the cost of the DEI evaluation prepared by the CA consulting firm and presented last month.

The Superintendent and Board should be more concerned with the education of the students, than this program for indoctrination. This board was not elected to determine the values the children are to be taught. That is the parent’s responsibility. But perhaps it isn’t, because this Superintendent and Board know that they really do have the right to control what the children are taught in school. They have been trained and laws are in place to give them that right.

It is really the parents and community that don’t understand exactly what has happened to the education system over the past 50-100 years. These government institutions own your children, if you allow your children to attend these public institutions. It is perhaps best to remove your child from these schools, unless you want the schools indoctrinating them and teaching them values that do not align with yours.

The other option is to vote this board out and bring in elected officials that believe in God, the Constitution and the freedoms we have been given. Not the Marxist agenda being pushed by this group of elected officials and their employee, Mr. Sharrow.

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