Episode 35: Four Points of Legislation Engagement

9 months ago

This week on the Frontline, Nathan explains the four engagements that FPM practices to make an impact on legislation. These engagements are detecting, analyzing, monitoring and intervening in legislation that may be a threat to homeschool freedoms. These actions allow us to build and organize opposition to dangerous legislation. Follow these links below to learn how each of these parts of FPM's work fit into these four methods of engagement:

Bill Tracker: https://fpmca.org/billtracker/

How to find a bill: https://fpmca.org/findabill/

Life Cycle of Legislation: https://fpmca.org/life-cycle-of-legislation/

Capitol Day Information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGx7hd5jD9hANpl8SQLKt4hJVtyHU3ZjkPWh6cAvboknLB0A/viewform

Advocacy Book Online: https://fpmca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Advocacy-Book-230511-FINAL.pdf

Advocacy From Home: https://fpmca.org/advocacyfromhome/

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