Connecting TWO SCAMMERS on the phone with each other

9 months ago

Connecting two scammers on the phone with each other is an activity that some individuals engage in to waste the time and resources of fraudulent callers. It involves taking two separate phone numbers from scammers and connecting them to each other, essentially making the scammers talk to each other instead of potential victims. Here's a description of how this might work:

Identifying Scammers: You first need to identify that the incoming calls are from scammers. This can be done by recognizing common scam tactics, such as fake tech support calls, IRS scams, or phishing attempts.

Gather Scammer Numbers: Once you are reasonably certain that you're dealing with scammers, you should collect their phone numbers. This can be done by engaging with them and pretending to be a potential victim or by using call monitoring software that logs incoming calls.

Initiate the Connection: With two or more scammer numbers in hand, you can then attempt to connect them. This can be done by either using a call conferencing service or by manually calling one scammer and patching them through to the other scammer.

Observe and Enjoy: Once the scammers are connected to each other, you can sit back and listen to the conversation. Since scammers typically don't trust each other, they might become suspicious and start arguing or accusing each other of being a scammer. It can be quite entertaining to hear them waste their own time and resources.

End the Call: After you've had your fun or feel that you've wasted enough of their time, you can disconnect the call. Be sure not to reveal any personal information about yourself during the process, as scammers may become aggressive if they suspect they are being played.

It's important to note that while this might seem like a harmless way to combat scammers, it can also potentially escalate the situation, and scammers might become more aggressive or hostile. Additionally, engaging with scammers in any way can expose you to risks, so it's generally not recommended.

The best way to deal with scam calls is to ignore them, block the numbers, and report them to the appropriate authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States or the relevant agency in your country.

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