The Parents - Rulers of the Bloodline Families on Earth - His-story – Know Thy Enemy

9 months ago

The Parents - Rulers of the Bloodline Families on Earth - His-story – Know Thy Enemy

The Parents are an Alien Hybrid Human created and controlled by the Draco. They are called the parents because they believe that they are the parents of humanity and we are all their children.

They control us through our own consent. Look back at the sheep standing in Covid Jab lines believing the lies that an untested, experimental DNA modifying drug was the right choice.

If we get our human capabilities back, their existence will be irrelevant. The parents also manipulate the illuminati themselves. They need to be awakened also.

The Draconians control the Parents. The Parents control the Covens. Covens control the Illuminati.

They want to convert us to cybernetics while they create a world for themselves without us. They believe we are so asleep we cannot see truth it was right in front of us. Once we are cybernetics they will insert us in another world.

They want to have Utopia without our presence.

The secret to succeeding is intentions and creating our own reality.

Draco Reptilian Background:

They lived here before us. Other races were here also. The Dracos left Earth with technological assistance from a Gray race. They waged wars and established colonies and they became very successful at conquering other races on other planets. They became one of the Five Anunnaki Races. There is a King and his name is Anu. There are two Princesses and many Queens. Most of us who are awake have heard of Enki and Enlil. Atlantis fell 13,000 years ago but not by the hand of the Draco at this time. Humanity had what they called "The Elders." There were 11 of them and 9 are still alive today. They are not the parents. The Draco came to Earth and offered to help the humans. After the fall of Atlantis there were few surviving humans. The Dracos offered to help them and they accepted, even though the Elders advised not to accept any help from the Dracos.

At this time it was humanities turn to be raised on Gaia.

At first the Draco gave humans technology but their real agenda was to use our minds, bodies and beliefs against us.

Religions were created for confusion.

Gaia has both physical resources and energetic resources and the Draco wanted them both.

The Draco began doing DNA experiments with Humans attempting to create a race that will be able to create Loosh Energy without humans being aware of it.

Loosh Energy is energy that the Dark Entities like Draco like to feed off because they are cut off from the God Source Energy.

This is when the 12 Strains of our DNA were removed from our ability to access. It wasn’t removed but made dormant.

Now human DNA may contain some Draco DNA. Other alien races have manipulated our DNA also which is why we have different DNA.

The Draco took away the technologies they gave to humans and created Parents to control humanity.

The Creation: Draco created Parents to control the Covens who control the Illuminati who control humanity.

The Parents were told humans were theirs to control. The Dracos were told this part of the galaxy was theirs to control by their creators. All Lies.

The ENTIRE Hierarchy is based on LIES. Our controllers are being lied to.

Humans are referred to as Batteries for Loosh Energy.

The Parents have the influence over everything on the planet. The parents are abused by the Draco and because of this they often act out and abuse their followers and the abuse runs down the chain of commands.

The parents are only slightly less manipulated than we are. The parents cannot control their emotions. They lack any filters. They are psychotic and were chosen by one of Anu’s sons for this reason. Since they lack emotional control they are easily controlled.

The Parents and their Role:

The parents vary in age with the oldest two being about 13,000 years old. The youngest being about 7,000 years old. They were taught ways to lengthen their lifespan.

The parents interact directly with the Draco Royalty who are their Masters.

Why haven’t they been stopped? No one has the right to stop them but us and we have been unaware of them.

Violations of Free Will are handled by the Universe only, not a Galactic Council or a Galactic Court.

Parents Future Plans:

The parents plan is to drop the use of the Covens and the Blood Line Families.

The Dracos know the Illuminati and Blood Line Families have FAILED to control humanity.

The parents will now use the Illuminati and act like they are overthrowing the Draconian Cabal, it will sound so good and provide so much hope that people will overlook the true facts. There will be disinformation everywhere that will sound so good for humanity.

The parents will use world leaders to start pushing transhumanism. Their plan is to trap humanity into a full matrix just like the movie.

We are not currently in a full matrix but in a bubble from everything we have consented to.

We are not powerless but to avert this next phase of the parents plan we have to stop consenting.

They will use fear and propaganda and tell us it is for our own safety. The seeds of the transhumanism will be in the injections which they say is for health and safety. The seeds will lie dormant within us until the full matrix is ready.

All smart technology will be filled with subliminal messages to influence us to consent.

The parents have lived too long to remember their own humanism and they have become arrogant like their masters.

The parents want us in floating cities in pods, sleeping and dreaming while they steal our loosh to power all their creations. Just like the Movie The Matrix. They want us off planet so they can have it to themselves. This is planned for the next timeline if enough humans consent.

The Changing of the Guard:

Gaia, the Universe and Humanity all disagree with their plan.

A wave of love energy from Source Energy was sent in 2002 to change the course. The Universe is helping us become aware of our controllers so we can make a conscious choice to consent or not. This will help us master our own energy, thus starving them from robbing our Loosh Energy.

We have to stop wars with fellow humans.

Vast amounts of help from above to help us free ourselves.

We don’t need arms and weapons to remove them. They are being removed without.

We have some very sophisticated technology that our controllers have hid from us and used for their own benefits.

The Dracos are getting ready to leave (I heard most already left) and this will leave the parents vulnerable as they are on a planet with a species that is vastly superior to them, when we collectively learn our potential they will hide.

The balance between light and dark was 87% dark and 13% light.

Soul implants are gone. The soul reincarnation trap cycle has been removed.

There are beings all around our solar system waiting for us to change the rules of the game. They are waiting for the majority to realize that life isn’t what it should be as we are controlled, but we have to make the free choice to ask for help to free ourselves.

It will likely be a slow awakening process as it will take time to realize everything was constructed to enhance their control over the masses. The tough one will be RELIGION. How can people accept or just realize it was created to deceive? It may take years to be deprogrammed.

The more who become aware, the less consenting there will be. Once we stop being compliant consenting sheep, the parents will leave.

There were 21 parents and now it’s down to 10. Once the parents are it will be the covens. Then you go down to the Illuminati.

Their hierarchy order has been disrupted and they are panicking.

This was narrated by Thomas Williams.

This is similar to how Kim Goguen explains the Power Hierarchy of Earth.

***Kim Goguen - Parents, Covens & Members - The Power Structure & Hierarchy Order of the World *This was deleted as was the one on Bitchute. *New one as of August 19, 2023 –

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