Special Report: Ava Chen EXPOSES the CCP infiltration in AMERICA!

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Patriots Helping Patriots Host Just Jodie Featuring Special Guest Ava Chen
Ava Chen left China nearly two decades ago. She became a supporter of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) founded by Miles Guo - the number one enemy of the CCP.

Miles Guo founded the New Federal State of China (NFSC), a global movement followed by hundreds of millions of Chinese people worldwide with the mission to take down the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that seeks to destroy liberty, freedom of speech, and faith in God.

In 2017, Mr. Guo exposed the now infamous 13579 plan, which revealed the CCP's plan, under Xi's directive, to create and release a biological weapon within three years against America and the world – now known as COVID-19.

That year, Mr. Guo gave thousands of pages of documents to the FBI regarding the virus, among other plans by the CCP to infiltrate America. Yet even after the FBI had confirmed the document's authenticity, the infiltration-ridden agency failed to act. Since then, the CCP has utilized Unrestricted Lawfare to weaponize the U.S. Justice System against Mr. Guo. Today, he has been involved in more than 70 civil litigations linked to CCP proxies.

Ava warns about the CCP's weaponization of DOJ, FBI, SEC and other federal government agencies. The destruction of the US from within can be seen in the story of Miles Guo, who, on March 15, 2023, was detained by the CCP-influenced DOJ. Within hours of his arrest, the DOJ/SEC had a list of accusations, but none were true.

The NFSC supporters, such as Ava Chen, continue to stand behind the falsely accused Miles Guo, citing a deep infiltration of CCP corruption within the US judicial system, including the DOJ. Ava can explain in detail the corruption of the US government through the CCP influence, as well as speak to the money trail and other influences the CCP kleptocrats have had on individuals such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, who played a pivotal role in the creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the Wuhan Lab.
#FreeMilesGuo Jodie is the founder of the Patriots Helping Patriots network and Host of the Patriots helping Patriots podcast! Also, a proud Journalistic broadcaster a contributor on Rumble and for Yournews.com!
Java with Just Jodie is an added show to the Patriots Helping Patriots network!
@JustJodie on Truth Social, Rumble, and @JustJodie7 on GETTR
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