Fact Checking a fact check on our claim about Moms for Liberty's Chinese Business Agent

11 months ago

It's funny. For more than two years, Team America, LLC and our associates have sent letters of complaint; spoken at nearly every BOCC and School Board Meeting; attended Republican Party Events; campaigned for a Congressional Candidate; and filed three lawsuits, including the only Federal Lawsuit in the State of FL against the voting machines and stolen elections.

Despite that, the two local newspapers, which covered every event in Hernando County in which I spoke or made an appearance, have never mentioned my name except for one time. That was when I was specifically singled out for removal from a school board meeting under threat of arrest. Other than that, even when a friend of mine who occasionally writes for the “conservative” local paper has submitted non-controversial, human interest stories about some of the “patriotic” things we have done, they won’t print or say anything about me or Team America, LLC.


I recently made a presentation about the Moms for Liberty at our local Hernando County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Meeting. This presentation, which featured screenshots of our beloved Governor Ron DeSanctimonious with Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice, the alleged founders of Moms for Liberty, also included document screenshots which proved that the Moms for Liberty National Organization has a Hong Kong Headquartered Chinese Company, Cogency Global, as their registered Business Agent.

However, when the official public video of the BOCC Meeting was released, my presentation was there, including all of the beautiful screenshots of our Governor, a local favorite, especially of those politicians that believe in the old adage, “A rising tide raises all boats”. However, when the official video reached that portion of the presentation in which I had posted the document screenshots, the video switched back to me narrating from the podium and left out the documents that I wanted on camera for the public record. That should have been my first clue!

Then, to my absolute astonishment, in what was perhaps the first such article of its kind to ever appear in our local Conservative Newspaper, The Hernando Sun, the paper did a “Fact Check” on my claims at the BOCC. However, their “Fact Check” judged a claim that I never made as “false”, while actually confirming the veracity of my claim about the Chinese connection of this wonderful “parental rights” group.

I did POSE A QUESTION about potential financing by China, but I did not directly make this claim and have no basis to-date to do so. In fact, that is way above my pay grade and I was actually hoping that the BOCC might shoot it up the political ladder to Tallahassee for guidance, since so many of our key Florida Officials are hob-knobbing with the Mom’s Leadership, Tina Descovich, Tiffany Justice and Marie Rogerson.

So, to be clear. The Hernando Sun debunked a claim I did not make. They then judged this strawman claim to be false. What a joke! Here are the only questions I have ever asked:

• Why does an alleged grassroots patriotic group of moms that seems to be very well funded and to have grown very large, very quickly, from allegedly “humble” beginnings, need to have a Chinese Agent?
• They are allegedly concerned with pornographic books and fighting the woke mentality in our schools. Their American Registered Agent is Tina Descovich. Why do they need a FOREIGN Company as an Agent, whether that company has offices in New York and around the world or not?
• Why do they undermine the work of other organizations, with whom it would seem they should be ideologically allied? (They do this in several states.)

Finally, I now have several new questions.

• Why did the Hernando County BOCC censor the document screenshots in the official meeting video for the public record?
• Why was Board Chair John Allocco very careful to question the validity of my documents in his public response, when the information contained in those documents clearly comes from the FL SOS Registration Forms for Moms for Liberty? (These are the very same documents, which somehow failed to show up in the public video of the BOCC Meeting.)
• Why did the Hernando Sun, which has never mentioned anything we have done before, including when we were being very hard on a very popular elections supervisor, choose now to “Fact Check” this particular claim about Moms for Liberty?

Some of this suggests that the Moms for Liberty, or at least some of their staff, may be connected to some sort of intel operation, but I wouldn’t put it past our intel agencies to also be working with China to undermine our country.

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