Stack the wins

1 year ago

Wake up early and STACK WINS.

If you're waking up at 8 or 9am, consider waking up at 5/ 5.30am in the morning. And when you do, I want you to stack wins.

The first one is going to be to NOT hit the snooze button ⏰

The second win is going to be to drink 1 Pint (Kangen) water (if you want to know more about the water DM me) 💦

Of course I'm just describing my morning routine to you 😆

The next win is going to be to not dive into your social media, but instead head out with the dogs / go for a walk. Exercise or meditate 🧘‍♀️

Then of course shower before you get to your next thing that you're going to do (maybe the school run/work) 🏫

We need to start stacking little wins.

Most of you think that success in life is a byproduct of big wins. Like getting a sale, or closing a deal. Make no mistake about it, the big wins are important too.

But I’m telling you that the little wins, stacked every day, every hour, over time, over days, weeks, and months, make you a fucking ROCKSTAR of a human being ❤️

What little wins are you achieving?

What little wins will you claim going forward?

Feel free to follow and say ‘hi’, if like me, you’re stacking the little wins 🙌

#stackthewins #youarearockstar #selfimprovement #selfempowerment

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