Listening to Your Gut: Making the Right Decision

1 year ago

Your gut tends to be right. Whether you think so or not, your gut tends to be right. I promise you that if you're on the fence about making a decision and your gut, you know in your core, in your heart, that the right decision is different than what other people are saying, look inside, believe what your gut is telling you, and pull the trigger. And if you fail, awesome. You've learned an awesome lesson. 90% of the time, you're not going to regret making a decision based on your beliefs.

Our guts are there to wake us up. It’s our unconscious telling us to get conscious and reduce the amount of automation and doing the bare minimum (what little we can get away with) in our days.

Remember — wrong ISN’T always wrong; it might look wrong now but it may very well prove to be right in the future, AND the more you TRUST YOU, it doesn’t matter about any past decision because you’re actually enjoying the benefit of that decision and all subsequent decisions.

If you’re not listening to your gut, you’re ignoring you, and you’re ignoring reality while potentially spending your time in a high BS environment.

So…Let your gut be your guide! No one knows you better than you do, so if you feel like the right decision is different than what others tell you, listen to that inner voice and do what it is the F you want to do!

#trustyourgut #gowithyourheart #listentoyourinstincts #followyourintuition #believeinyourself #maketherightdecision #michaelchernow

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