Are we currently experiencing a great awakening? - Gareth Icke Tonight

1 year ago

On the show this week. Project Veritas media manager Mario Balaban talks about life after James O’Keefe, and the current expose of Dell Children’s Medical Centre.
American filmmaker Mikki Willis is coming on to tell us about his new film, Plandemic 3, the great awakening.
Billy Te Kahika is on the line from New Zealand to tell us about his battle to overturn the prison sentence he received for protesting covid restrictions.
Vaccine Police creator Christopher Key joins us to talk about self treatment, and life beyond the Drs surgery.
And mainstream media veteran Henry Widdas talks to us about public distrust in the profession, and the new ickonic documentary Tell-Lie-Vision.
As always it’s Gareth Icke Tonight on Thursday at 7pm UK on

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