6 Methods For Running Jobs Efficiently

1 year ago

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Many of us electricians aspire to be great at running jobs efficiently. Some of us are just thrown into the position of running jobs and don’t have the knowledge yet on HOW to be great at it. In todays episode of Electrician U, Dustin shares with us 6 ways to be efficient at running work.

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1. Keep your materials tracked and organized. Try to place the materials for the jobsite close to where the work will be performed. Putting them in an area that is not directly being worked in (by your crew AND other trades) is helpful so you don’t spend time moving them back and forth. If you are in warmer/sunnier climates, keep in mind that anything stored outside will become scorching hot- so maybe in the shade if possible.
2. Keep good notes. These can be kept ON the drawings (if you have these on the job), but notebooks are also helpful in organizing your notes. Using colored pencils/highlighters helps identify different facets of the work and can be helpful in determining what is completed versus what is still needing to be finished. You should keep running lists of the materials that are needed, questions that have arisen during construction, to do lists, and maybe even lists of which workers you want doing certain tasks so when they complete one task, the next one is available to be started.
3. Walk the job before work starts and at the end of the day. Walking the project before the work crews start will allow you to plan the days activities without being inundated with questions from the crew. Walking the project at the end of the day while everyone is cleaning up will let you check the work done (and you do need to check EVERYONES!) and see which areas still need attention. You still need to be present DURING the day also, but before/after shift just gives you time to actually look in depth with less interruptions.
4. Keep materials stocked in your van/truck. The supply house may NOT be close to you so having extras is important as you cant plan for everything every time. And if you (or someone) had to leave the job to run back and forth to the supply house is just wasting hours when they could be using those hours to actually put in the work. Try to keep a few of the most common items you use on projects on the van (in some type of orderly fashion so you know what you have). Receptacles, wire, boxes, wire connectors, etc.
5. Keep everyone on the jobsite working and productive. Its your job to keep everyone busy- you may not be able to wear your tools because you are constantly moving around keeping everyone supplied with tools/materials/knowledge/answers to questions. This is perfectly acceptable and a requirement of the job. The electricians underneath you NEED to learn how to put in the work, so if you are the one constantly doing the work, how would they get the experience.
6. Learn to shift gears. Some jobs have the $$ built in to allow us to take extra time and make it look really good. Some jobs do not have that. Learning when to apply each working style is important. There is a fine line between quality and speed and can be a balancing act at times. Put in the work properly every time, but know when to spend extra making it look really good versus installing as fast as you can install it.
We hope these 6 tips have been helpful in understanding some of the things it takes to run an efficient jobsite. Is there a topic you would like to see discussed on Electrician U? Leave us a comment in the comments section and let us know. Please continue to follow Dustin and Electrician U as we are constantly updated to assist our followers in becoming the best electricians that they can be.

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