Gene DeCode & How God Talks To Us

1 year ago

Gene DeCode | How God Talks To Us

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Join us with for a Round Table Discussion on Capt Kyle Patriots' Telegram Page with Gene Decode, Capt Kyle and Kelly discussing the GreatAwakening, Geo Political Updates, Timelines, Ascension, New Earth, DUMBS, and much more!

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Could it be we are living the last days and not know it?
We are living in the revelation. The end of days when all will be revealed.

When every evil deed will be disclosed.
We will wonder how we ever made it except that; that one day we invited a wonderful friend into our life. The Yashua the Christ Consciousness

I recall confessing every evil deed I could remember, out loud. I was driving a truck in those days. Then I’d shout all by myself and have good time rejoicing with Jesus.

The next day I’d recall some more evil deeds and I had rejoicing time with the Lord again, as I went down the freeway hauling 105,500 pounds with two boxes of rocks on a 20 wheeler semi truck and trailer.

Romans 8:20-21

Nobody told me I was supposed to enjoy the Spirit of God. I just did.

Wife and I didn’t find the Christ in a church. We found him outstanding in a field.

Yes, we are living in THEIR last days. We have been to this place spiritually before. Historically speaking; we nearly destroyed the Khazarian Race, the Shapeshifters, the Cainnites were nearly brought to an end. The child murderers, the child terrorists, the human traffickers, the use and practice of adrenochrome. The EVIL that must captivate the purveyors of HATE.

When Frodo fails to throw the ring into the fires of Mt Doom

Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing.
Every Providence is traveling in one direction.

The dominoes are falling.
The dominoes are falling.

Dominoes Falling
The Paradigm Is Changing
The Paradigm Is Changing
I recall the day God talked to me about my dog. I genuinely loved that dog. He was so beautifully marked and he had great lines for 90 pounds of pure power as a Doberman Pincher.
He had one problem, maybe I should called it a propensity. He like to nip at anything or anyone who moved too quickly.
And if he felt like you may be a threat; he could do some real damage in just a few seconds or in just few minutes time he could make that many more puncture wounds.
The Spirit within me spoke. “I want you to get rid of your dog, Guy.” That was the dog’s name. Guy Lombardo! Because that was the type of big band music I was into in those days.
I plead with the Spirit, who I recognized as Yashua. “Not my dog!”
I said out loud.

Guy Lombardo and his Royal Can

The year was 1985, there was a recession going on and I was working on a large family owned farming operation.
Fiercely independent and a desire to be the best at farming equipment sales, Agra-farming in support of their dairy business, in milk and dairy products, sales, and distribution.
I was working on the edge of a plowed field. My experience with God was on the edge of a field. The field, ready to plant, may have some spiritual significance.
No one was within earshot for at least a mile.
I said out loud. “Not my dog, Lord. You know how much I love that dog.”
Then the Spirit of the God shocked me, because I would have never thought of what the Spirit said next.
He said. “You know, I went to the Cross for you! Can’t you give up one small thing for me?
Certainly not, my vision of the beginning of a romance with God.

The Beginning of All. The Word of our creation. I knew so little about what it meant to live spirituality aware. I began to see the spiritual world that is occurring – we are experiencing around us every day.
I know, this may Not sound profound to you, but for me, in that hour, it broke me to my knees. “Yes, I will be willing to do as you please.” I was melted by Divine Love.
I didn’t realize then, what it was going to cost me to be a Christ man. The many things I had to exchange for a Cross.
Until i became a living vessel for God to inhabit.
Have I always lived with perfect love?
My desire is to someday report a day of perfect love, for God, for myself and for my fellow hueman beings.
I am encouraged, Yashua continues to work with me, correct me, and counsel me.
It is a supreme privilege to have my own personal spiritual trainer on-board! The Holy Spirit of God!
I told you I would not tell you how to live. I am merely relaying to you how God spoke and dealt with me.
I was such a hard head I had to have something harder than me to sharpen me, hone me, make me into a vessel of His making.
So you may imagine, for just a few minutes. I ran up against some pretty hard nuts to crack. The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. Don Juan would have called them “worthy opponents”.

Robert Johnson
Me And The Devil

Can we tell the potter what we’d prefer, yes you may, but God will work-a-work within you, and through you that you may not have envisioned.
When enough of us have our heads, hearts and hands lifted upwards. We will be ready for “the scare event” others have called it a Near Death Experience.

Anita Moorjani
Love Is Not A Luxury
Death Sentence or Wake Up Call

Uncle Buddy Robinson youtube
I apologize for the poor quality of the recording. It is what it is.

Pushing up against the experience of trouble humbles you, makes you more forgiving of others faults and failings. Makes you sweeter, tender toward others’ feelings of frantic fear.
Well Hallelujah, we’re not staying here. The world is splitting.

Until Then Lord
Soul Stirrers
Jesus Build A Fence Around Me

A Prayer of Consecration
By Margret Fields
Original Draft: March 11, 2023
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


How’d I Get Over
Mahala Jackson
How Did You Get Over
By The Mighty Grace Of God
God’s Grace: The unmerited favor of God. You didn’t deserve it, you can’t buy it, you can’t even work for it. But your Heavenly Father Delights to give you copious amounts, more than you can use. GRACE!

Timothy Lawton
Esther Bishop accompaniment
He’ll take you through

How Much Does God Loves Us?

John 3:16

No Fear
Be Well
Be Bright
Show No Fear

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