Aliens Vs Predator Extinction - Marine campaign

1 year ago

Game start up, intro, menu.

Marine Mission 1

Nice tutorial.

Marine Mission 2

This mission was a little more challenging than the first one. Once I figured out the route it was not difficult to finish. The main issue I ran in to after learning the route was trying to meet one of the optional goals to get the mission complete in under 23 minutes. I was spending a lot of time healing up in some of the early attempts and later on I was running through too quickly picking up a lot of enemies.

Marine Mission 3

This mission is simple enough unless you want to complete the optional missions. If you are looking to finish all of the optional missions then this is an escort mission. The Aliens push back pretty hard at several points in the map. There were also three predators hanging out with one of their machines. Near the end I was being very careful as I had lost Mr. Hirsch near the end in several previous attempts.

Marine Mission 4

Earning the completion medal for this one was pretty tough. There were a variety of predators in this mission. The Stalker predators that can take out your marines from a distance unseen were the worst of them. The optional mission takes you out of the way to find an armless synthetic who reveals the location of the device you are after. Usually I take the entire group out to the synth objective but the stray marine that wandered off in that direction worked out and saved time. The device is well guarded by every kind of predator and various predator devices. Clearing a path to the device and grabbing it quick worked out well.

Marine Mission 5

On my initial playthrough it took me some time to find the hive. I did not spot the cave or even realize that was a thing in this game at the time. The twists and turns needed to get to the hive from the secondary objective clearing out the cultists compound is time consuming. There was a lot of wrangling of stray marines but I ended up finishing within the time limit for a full completion.

Marine Mission 6

This mission was pretty tough to complete. I took out the alien Queens first just to keep the aliens off of my back. Once the queens are gone you might have a few aliens wandering the map but that is pretty much it for the aliens. If you do not kill the queens you will have aliens on your tail through the rest of the map.

In my first playthrough of this map I recall seeing those mechs on the list and ordering one up. It tore through aliens and most predators fast. I upgraded it and it was like a walking A-10. Then I hit the first AA gun, blew it away and that swarm of predators slaughtered my squad. Through several playthroughs I have found the SADAR Marines and upgraded Smart gunners can get things done. It is also important to have a synth to detect the stalker predators.

Stalkers will run around your marines and kill them slowly and there is not much you can do but run around trying to find them. Once I rebuilt the squad it was time to navigate the caves. The tight areas cause some wanderers so I had to keep an eye out for stragglers. On the other side to the far right i located delta. I have no idea why Delta killed my synth. They run fast so I was just sending him over to grab Delta Squad so I could move on. The next gun on the hill to the right can pull in a lot of predators if you hang around.

I lost a few wanderers on that gun trying to get away fast but the next Air drop location was close. After rebuilding a bit i sent most of the squad south to take care of the last two guns. The final gun always gives me trouble but the SADAR Marines made quick work of the sentry's and final AA gun. I had a lot of trouble getting this map time down while also killing the queens. I am glad I did not give up on the completion medal for thus map.

Marine Mission 7

This mission was pretty tough to complete all objectives within the 45 minute time limit. There are two entrances to the Predator base. If you cover the closest to the start atmospheric processor you can keep the Predators in check while you grab the rest of the atmo processors.

There are four atmo processors. To the north of the third atmo processor is a group of predators. To save time I did not bother with them or the last processor. Regrouping I worked my way to the center of the base. I lost a lot of time and men getting to that central room. I had a synth pick up the predator artifact which unlocks the Predator base generator full of Aliens. The synth ran it to the start area to complete the optional objective.

The synthetics run pretty fast so it did not take too much time to deliver the artifact. I was able to replenish my team with synths without too much trouble as well. They were surprisingly effective against the aliens. It seems like the company could have put more than two seconds on the timer for the bomb. That was pretty cold.

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