A Organ Donor Card Will Get You Killed Very Fast As A Doctors Will Sell You 4 Money

1 year ago

You are worth more money to me if you are dead for your body parts to sell on the black market and organ harvesting is a rampant trade in human organs, involving collusion between organized criminals and corrupt doctors, police, jails, government and medical administration staff. We dive into the body trade and see the ways it operates and the risks involved for the desperate people at both ends of the deal, in what is an unregulated and often perilous market.

How much does an organ transplant cost in the US ? Get ready to see some large numbers for the average charges of an organ transplant in 2020 dollars. The most common transplant – cornea – averages $32,500 in estimated billed charges. Kidney transplant estimated at $442,500 for the entire process, including surgeon fees and drugs. Costs are calculated from 30 days pre-transplant, to 6 months post-transplant discharge. Summary table of cost breakdown is shown. The detailed report shows autologous bone marrow transplant at $471,600, bone marrow-allogenic at $1,071,700 (up 20% since 2017), liver transplant at $878,400, and heart transplant at $1,664,800. Multiple organ transplants easily top an estimated $1 million, or $2.6M for heart-lung or kidney-heart.) By Transplant Living, a project of the nonprofit United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), organization that maintains the national Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) under contract with HRSA. Report by Milliman was published January 2020.

What’s if my doctor or other doctor is to deny a patient proper care if they knew she or he signed up as an organ, tissue and cornea donor? Yes i will deny care so i may sell your body parts very fast. I'm looking for the unattended and or unaccompanied younger person the most to age 36. So no one will look for you or looking for them. I will tell the authority that you bleed to death or your bodily experience a total bleeding out before care. Yes It’s a deeply rooted concern that anyone personally or professionally connected to donation hears on a regular basis—from a broad range of ages and cultures. Some skeptics cite this as the reason they choose not to join the more than 3.5 million people in the donate life registry. Ha ha ha suckers

With countless myths, fears and personal reasons, people unnecessarily rule themselves out all the time. But no other factor hints so directly at a disturbing version of donation—the trading of one life for another, which is not anyone’s MO. Picture it: It’s the Hollywoodized interpretation of an emotionally conflicted medical professional letting a patient’s life slip away to make sure a [insert family member here] receives the heart transplant they so desperately need.

We get it—it’s suspenseful and compelling. That’s the point. Movies and television shows get more viewers with some drama and a tug at your heartstrings—accuracy tossed out. In this context, entertainment supports an urban legend, and the fear it perpetuates actively prevents the lifesaving gift of life.

Organ donation means giving part of the body (organ) to a person with end stage organ disease who needs a transplant. The organs that can be donated by you or taken by force if need and maybe rape you too. (laugh out loud) for transplantation include kidney, liver, heart, lungs, and small bowel and tissues such as corneas, heart valves, skin and bone. Tissue means a group of cells performing a particular function in the human body such as bone, skin, cornea of the eye, heart valve, blood vessels, nerves and tendon etc. Living Donor Organ Donation: A person during his life can donate one kidney, a portion of pancreas and a part of the liver. Deceased Donor Organ Donation: A person can donate multiple organs and tissues after (brain-stem/cardiac) death.

Organ Transplantation and Donation is permitted by law, and covered under the “Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994”, which has allowed organ donation by live & Brain-stem Dead donors.

In 2011, amendment of the Act also brought in donation of human tissues, thereby calling the Amended Act “Transplantation of Human Organs & Tissues Act 2011”. The Government of India has also started a National Organ and Transplant Program (NOTP), under which patients below the poverty line are supported for the cost of transplant as well as cost of immunosuppression after transplant for one year.

A black market, underground economy, or shadow economy is a clandestine market or series of transactions that has some aspect of illegality or is characterized by noncompliance with an institutional set of rules. If the rule defines the set of goods and services whose production and distribution is prohibited by law, non-compliance with the rule constitutes a black market trade since the transaction itself is illegal. Parties engaging in the production or distribution of prohibited goods and services are members of the illegal economy. Thanks ! Organ Donor See You Soon ? Yes Not Everyone Is Bad ? Ha ha ha - Really ? Money Talks You Know ! P.S. Hope This True Video & Text Will Save Someone Life and So Be Safe !

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