Ch. 11 - Wrist Stem Cell Repair - The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy

1 year ago
130 (833) 445-9089
Hi, it's Josh with Dream Body Clinic and in this video, I'm going to talk to you about the wrist stem cell treatment offered by Dream Body Clinic. As part of our series, the Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy, we'll discuss the treatment in detail, including the various conditions it can help alleviate.

Our wrist stem cell treatment is quite comprehensive and can address a range of issues related to the wrist and hand. One of the most common problems we see is carpal tunnel syndrome, often caused by repetitive motions such as mouse clicking. Chronic inflammation can result in excess fluid, which can put pressure on the nerves and lead to pain, reduced grip strength, and other issues.

Our treatment involves injecting 15 to 25 million stem cells directly into the wrist joint. These cells help to guide cellular repair and regeneration, reduce inflammation, and identify and resolve the underlying causes of chronic inflammation. Our treatment has helped numerous individuals, including programmers from companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, as well as musicians like guitarists.

Apart from carpal tunnel syndrome, our wrist stem cell treatment can also help address arthritis, ligament or tendon issues, and problems related to the thumb. We use mesenchymal stem cells derived from placenta and umbilical cord tissue, known as Wharton jelly, which we believe is the best source of stem cells due to their youthfulness and ability to replicate cells.

One of the benefits of our treatment is that stem cells can travel from the wrist to the fingers, providing relief to the entire hand. The cells seek out inflammation and guide the regeneration process, repairing damage and promoting healing.

In conclusion, our wrist stem cell treatment is a safe and effective option for those suffering from wrist or hand-related issues. If you're experiencing pain or reduced functionality in your wrist or hand, reach out to Dream Body Clinic to learn more about how we can help you.
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