A Mother Gives Her Testimony On The Gender Identity Story Behind Sage's Law

1 year ago

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#mother #sageslaw #genderidentity

A mother gives her testimony
on the story behind Sage's Law,

A subcommittee in the Virginia House
of Delegates voted Monday to advance
a bill requiring schoolteachers
and school staff to notify parents
about their children’s purported gender transitions,
partially in response to the horrific sex-trafficking story
of Sage, a girl whose high school hid
her transgender identity from her mother.

HB 2432, “Sage’s law,” requires any school professional
who reasonably suspects a student is at risk
of suicide or “is self-identifying as a gender different
from the student’s biological sex” to contact
at least one of the student’s parents,
to notify the parent, and to offer counseling.

The law would allow school staff
to avoid this contact only if the student faces
an “imminent risk of suicide” as a result
of parental abuse or neglect,
in which case staff must contact social services.

The law also prohibits any school counselor
from hiding gender-identity changes
from a parent and from encouraging
or forcing children to do so.

Del. Dave LaRock, R-Loudoun County,
sponsored the bill and invited testimony
from Michele (whose last name was withheld
to protect Sage’s privacy], the biological grandmother
of Sage, who Michele adopted after
the death of her son, Sage’s father.
Sage became a victim of sex trafficking
after her high school hid the girl’s change
in gender identity from her mother.
Michele testified Monday.

“Because the high school hid Sage’s change
in gender identification from Sage’s mother,
Michele, Michele learned of Sage’s transitioning
to a new gender identity the same evening that
Sage ran off and into [the] dark and destructive world
of human trafficking,” LaRock told The Daily Signal on Monday.

“When Sage ‘changed her gender identity’,
without her parent’s knowledge,
Sage started receiving communications
with ‘creepy old dudes’, as she put it,”
LaRock noted. “One of the expert witnesses
in the hearing this morning confirms that
online predators do target social media accounts
of children who list themselves as ‘ftm’ or ‘female to male.'”

“Parents know their children best,” the legislator noted.
“When schools drive a wedge between parents
and students, and hide these life-changing conversations
and decisions from parents, important aspects
of the child’s overall well-being are not taken
into account by those involved in the decision.
Sage’s ‘gender-identity transition’
and subsequent introduction
into sex trafficking took place quickly
after she moved to a new school,
where staff affirmed Sage’s new gender
without knowing important aspects of her fragile condition.”

At the hearing, LaRock said, “Sage’s law
is an anti-trafficking bill, because it ensures that
parents are not kept in the dark about their children.”

In her testimony, Michele said that her daughter suffered
from depression and anxiety,
“at times very severe.”
(Watch the video of her testimony here.)
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