1915 Luncheon: Orange Lemonade, Parsley Potatoes, Rice Fritters with Curry Sauce, Bread Custard

1 year ago

1915 Luncheon Menu
The Nature Cure Cook Book
ABC of Natural Dietetics
by Mrs. Anna Lindlahr and Henry Lindlahr, M. D.

Orange Lemonade
Parsley Potatoes
Rice Fritters with Curry Sauce
Bread Custard with Jam

Orange Lemonade
Juice of 2 lemons and 2 oranges,
2 tablespoons sugar,
1 quart water.
Serve well chilled.
Did we drink it: Yes
Would I Make it again: Yes
Notes: Some may prefer a bit more sugar.

Parsley Potatoes
Sliced raw potatoes
Chopped parsley
Put a layer of sliced raw potatoes into a flat-bottomed stew-pan, sprinkle with chopped parsley, dot with butter. Add another layer of potatoes and pars ley, and so on until the dish is filled. Cover the bottom of pan with water, add a little butter, cover closely and let simmer until the potatoes are soft (about thirty minutes).
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

Rice Fritters
1 cup rice
2 cups milk
2 well-beaten eggs
2 tbs butter
1 tbs grated onion
Bread crumbs (if needed)
Sauce (to serve)
Boil 1 cup of rice in slightly salted water about fifteen minutes, drain off the water (unless it has been absorbed) ; add 2 cups milk, and cook in a double boiler until the rice is very soft. Add 2 well-beaten eggs, 2 tablespoons butter, and 1 tablespoon grated onion. If necessary, thicken with bread crumbs. Put large spoonfuls on a well-greased griddle, fry crisp and brown on both sides. Serve with tomato sauce.
Did we eat them? Yes
Would I make them again? Yes

Curry Sauce to Serve With Vegetables
1 tbs butter
1 large onion, minced fine
1 sour apple, minced fine
1 cup good vegetable stock
1 cup milk
1 dessertspoon curry powder
Thicken with flour and butter
Melt 1 tablespoon butter in a saucepan; stir into it 1 large onion minced fine; let simmer seven or eight minutes, then add 1 sour apple, minced fine; stir for three or four minutes ; add 1 cup good vegetable stock and cook gently for five minutes; add 1 cup milk in which 1 dessertspoon of curry powder has been stirred until smooth. Let all boil up at once, strain, season, and thicken with flour and butter, blended.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Notes: I pureed this rather than thicken with flour and butter.

Bread Custard with Jam
Whole wheat bread crumbs
1 quart milk
Yolk of 3 eggs
1 cup sugar
Grated rind of 1 lemon
Whites of 3 eggs
2 tbs powdered sugar
Lemon juice (optional)
About half fill a well-buttered baking dish with coarse whole wheat bread crumbs, cover with bits of butter (about 1 tablespoon in all), pour over 1 quart of milk beaten with the yolks of 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, and the grated rind of 1 lemon. Bake slowly about one hour, then cover with a layer of jam; spread over the jam the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth with 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Put back into the oven to brown. Note : —If the jam is very sweet, stir into it the juice of a lemon.
Did we eat it? No
Would I make it again? No

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