Interview 355 with Thomas Dyer No Show. Playing Dr Jane Ruby Replay

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Thomas Dyer is a husband, a father to 8 amazing children. Journey man Drywaller by trade and an avid fisherman.

Thomas wants a future for his children, himself and other families to thrive. Thomas Dyer has been researching many issues in his local community and through out this thing called "canada" . After many years of research he has been out educating FACTS to help others learn the Real FACTS we Must stop!

Thomas Dyer wants accountability and transparency open to everyone for the crimes that this foreign corporation called "Canada" has committed! They have been masquerading as the "so -called government Unlawfully". Canada and these So called elected Representatives have Never had any Authority to govern any of us. This Information MUST be educated for any REAL change to occur.

Thomas Dyer wants LAW restored! We live in a lawless society where Politicians, and many more involved are NOT Accountable to the Sovereigns! He stands up and fights for justice! We MUST have Accountability!

The Appointed CEO - or what they call Crime Minister of Canada is a fraud and Must be held accountable for crimes against the Sovereign Men and Woman living in a place know as the land Mass Canada!

Thomas Dyer comprehends that Justin Trudeau MUST be charged with tampering with a witness ,money laundering, fraud, racketeering, money embezzlement, treason, and high treason. No one is above the law. There's one law for all!

The RCMP must arrest and charge Justin Trudeau and any and all involved in the crimes they have committed.

Thomas Dyer charged with uttering threats toward Trudeau at campaign stop in Cambridge - You decide? Kangaroo Courts like Nuremberg Trial. The Corporation of Canada is above the LAW!

Previous Video Of Thomas Dyer being mobbed by "T"hugs over Mask

Tommy Dyer Meets the real Chris Sky, Kelly Anne Farkas(wolfe) Vlad Sobolev and Lamont Daigle - Highlight clip

MOCKINGBIRD CIA PROPOGANDA MEDIA - Pushing Lies about Thomas Dyer.

Here is one of the best Website filled with Informative facts every Canadian MUST learn!

The road spreading FACTS of information and educating as many Sovereigns that being a Canadian citizen is being a slave, Marking the ballot you just gave away your freedom to their corrupt system. More realize this and this information has become well known.

As we push towards on our quest to freedom we MUST all be sharing important information on the solution to inspire others to see how important this is!

The consequences of globalism and the globalist agenda.will be conquered if we all stay focused and not distracted with all the issues they create!

Their is Zoom daily from 5 - 10 EST to coordinate and important meetings.

Tues and Thursday 8 Central there is a meeting
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