Mike Lee vs Evan McMullin Debate Recap

1 year ago

Mike Lee vs Evan McMullin Debate Recap: As a Utah resident I’ve been following the Utah Senate midterm elections with interest, and now that the general election debate has happened, I’d like to recap my thoughts on the most interesting parts of that debate! The debate was spicy, honestly similar to the ads that have been running from both sides. I go over both parties take on federal spending, and then address McMullin’s statements that Lee ‘urged the white house when it lost to find fake electors to overturn the will of the people’ and that ‘that was the most egregious betrayal of our nation’s constitution in its history by a US senator’. So I go and read the relevant portions of text messages between Mike Lee and Marc Meadows (President Trump’s Chief of Staff) that were obtained and published earlier this year. Even if we look on Lee’s actions in the absolute worst light and intentions possible, to say his actions were the most egregious in history is laughable. I go back and cover spending because it doesn’t seem like Lee can do right in McMullin’s eyes. If Lee goes along with spending he is part of the problem, and if he opposes it he is part of the problem. Seems like a catch 22 to me. I also briefly address the third party ads.

Introduction: 0:00:00
The debate: National Debt: 02:10
The debate: 2020 Election: 04:26
Lee and Meadows Texts: 08:35
The debate: Inflation: 11:30
Attack Ads and Conclusion: 15:15

If you enjoyed this video, I would recommend this video on McMullin’s switched positions: https://youtu.be/U5mF0Lxv-eE

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Deseret News on McMullin’s Character: https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2022/10/12/23399166/opinion-evan-mcmullin-political-character-endorsement

Washington Examiner McMullin and ‘Extremism’: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/evan-mcmullin-files-senate-challenge-in-utah-against-poster-child-for-the-politics-of-division

Deseret News McMullin and Division: https://www.deseret.com/utah/2022/7/11/23203889/what-does-independent-senate-even-mcmullin-biggest-threat-us-mitt-romney-cheney-kinzinger-jan6

Politico McMullin Interview: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/07/29/evan-mcmullin-trump-poi-00047807

Deseret News Op-Ed 1: https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2022/7/23/23273062/opinion-utah-politics-evan-mcmullin-is-the-candidate-you-need-us-senate-race-mike-lee-compromise

Deseret News Op-Ed 2: https://www.deseret.com/2022/8/6/23290742/opinion-cooperation-the-reason-im-voting-for-evan-mcmullin-utah-senate-race-mike-lee-mitt-romney

Debate Live Stream: https://youtu.be/M-JpUgIbTBg

Mike Lee Texts: https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/15/politics/read-mark-meadows-texts-mike-lee-chip-roy/index.html

Odysee Channel: https://odysee.com/@On_the_Other_Hand:1
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Original YouTube video: https://youtu.be/i5Lg66MeT4g

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