We're in a spiritual war

1 year ago

We're in a spiritual war.

Taking care of yourself and becoming the best you can be is a world changing, humanity upgrading course of action.

Self care changes your life, changes what you contribute to the collective consciousness/experience.

Who knows how long this battle has being going on for exactly, whats easy to grasp though is that this war is not being fought with bullets, guns, tanks, like previous world wars.

It's fought every single day in the minds of the people.

What thoughts you have, what actions you take, what foods you eat, where you spend your money, where you place your attention, what media you consume, how you treat others.

These are the components of the spiritual war we are in.

Want to live in a free and better world?

Become the very best human you can be. Spiritually evolve, emotionally develop and clear you shit, learn everyday.

Personal development, changing the internal world, is how we truly win this in the long term.

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