Superstorm Hurricanes as Global Warming Proof: Overheated Pagan Rhetoric?

1 year ago

Pax Deorum: Peace of Gods Takes Place of Church

Pagan Standards Supplant Christian Worldview: An intriguing debate follows the hurricane gusts over destroyed FL beach towns as record-breaking storm Ian has dismembered Ft Meyer and other communities. This brazen theory suggests the cause of our strongest hurricanes is Manmade, aka “Anthropomorphic” Global Warming (AGW).

Human Sin: The claim is such spikes are created by avoidable people activities. Moreover, folks are now punished by the cosmos for refusing to treat Mother Earth with the veneration and respect our loving Mama deserves by not abandoning a capitalist lifestyle. (see typical debate)

Peace of God – Pax Deorum: Fascinatingly, as an emotive chorus of hysteria cries out in paranoia, the ‘Sky is Falling’!, we detect a non scientific claim, rooted in old paganism. For in ancient Rome, the primary public policy was called Pax Deorum, or the Peace of the Gods. And that Rome’s first duty was to appease the gods, or suffer cataclysmic divine rejection.

To begin, are we now “Like the vast majority of inhabitants of the ancient world, the Romans practiced pagan rituals, believing it important to achieve a state of Pax Deorum (The Peace of the gods) instead of Ira Deorum (The Wrath of the gods)?

Wiley’s describes: “Pax deorum (“peace of the gods”) denotes the central goal of Roman state religion: a mutually beneficial state of peace between Rome and its deities, with the gods safeguarding Rome's public welfare (salus publica; cf. Cic. Rab. perd. 5) and the Romans providing the gods their desired worship and cult.

As Brill explains: “In the Roman mind Pax Deorum meant the state of 'peace' between the populus Romanus and their gods or described their 'gracious obligingness' In the area of state religion it was the task of the sacerdotes populi Romani (Priests) and the magistrates to see to the continuation of this state by means of the correct execution and preservation of the prescribed cult activities and ordinances (such as the Vestals' requirement of chastity).”

Western Devolution: This development of AGW presents us with a startling revelation: That modern Western culture is devolving from Biblical religion, returning to a pagan view of cause, effect, and human duty to safeguard the earth. Using forced consensus to prop up its pagan beliefs. Further, that humans are increasingly exposed to irrational and felt notions which are then ‘intellectually laundered’ to be ‘proved’ via woke journals and progressive science authorities.

Dems to the Rescue! Meanwhile, pompous con artist Democrats, like Sen Amy Klobuchar assert Hurricane Ian is the spore of AGW:

"If the Republicans take charge, a number of them have been talking about an abortion ban. You guys know that, you featured it on the show. That's why we've got to win this midterm. We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades. That's why we got to win this as that hurricane bears down on Florida. We've got to win in the midterms."

Can Dems Save the World From Natural Destruction? Is it kosher claiming proof the strongest hurricanes are man-made? Says CO2 Coalition, "What they're trying to do is politicize the pain and suffering of these people to promote their green agenda. Well, their policies and their agenda to promote renewables will do far greater economic destruction to the country and Florida."

Liberal Monomania: And to counteract natural calamities we must vote Democrat? In fact, the idea that all elements of complex phenomena, such as weather patterns, are the result of one single factor, is a phenomenon known as monomania, the result of mental health incongruities. See this definition:

“Monomania is an emotional or mental disorder that impacts the ability of the individual to interact with his or her environment in a balanced and productive manner. Essentially, monomania is a condition in which the sufferer is so focused on one idea or emotion that it is impossible to function normally. An individual who suffers with this disorder is often referred to as a monomaniac.”

Liberty Dies: In fact, current society has morphed rather quickly into a monomaniacal body, brooking no dissent on virtually every important and evolving issue. So, free speech is dying on the vine before our troubled, disbelieving eyes as liberal elites cackle like mad hens.

Govt Cabal: Those who risk standing outside of the government’s or media’s sanctified creed risk total censure. And yet, considering such an influential topic as AGW, several important voices claim that, even if AGW is real, it’s effects are wildly oversold and fear mongered as a highly valuable product (See Michael Shellenberger & Steve Koonin.)

Crazy Progressive Theology: So, is our suddenly atheistic universe punishing mankind for rejecting so-called ‘earth friendly’ mandates? Or, has the left used AGW to fundraise for its political campaigns and pet projects, which oftentimes are quixotic and even birdbrained? For example, in 2022-23, the US plans to spend over $300 billion to fight climate change, whereas the World Bank wants the UN to spend $90 trillion by 2030. But the World/Gross domestic product was only $84.71 trillion USD in 2020!! Insanity!

Crisis Con Game: The entire blueprint of the “Next World Crisis” that must be solved by mankind was established long ago. See Thomas Sowell in The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy, where he describes this cynical shell game. The 4 stage leftist con game holds a “Crisis” erupts, without necessary proof or context. Then a “Solution” is proposed which invariably causes more harm than the Crisis. Detrimental results occur, while the elites driving the charade throw scorn and laughter upon the critics, without any proof of veracity, whatsoever. But the best bet is to set aside the endless shaming and catastrophizing of humans and let the poorer nations focus on feeding and housing themselves.

Liberal Humanist’s Political Religion: The ancient Romans were the original humanists whose theory was that mankind bore a duty to keep earth safe. This now matches today’s crazy liberal beliefs that humans, not God, control earth. And while the classical world did not have science, Christianity was just around the corner, perhaps explaining the following quotes from Roman poet Virgil.

Return to Revelation?: But in midst of a return to paganism, let’s recall Virgil’s famed 4th Eclogue and its apparent augury of the Jewish Messiah Christ Jesus:

The mighty sequence of ages is born and begins anew.
Now the Virgin returns. The reign of Saturn resumes.
Now a new generation descends from heaven on high.
At the birth of the child in whose time the iron race
shall cease and a golden race inherit the whole earth,
smile, O chaste Lucina: now your Apollo reigns.
In your consulate this glorious age begins,

Pollio, and the mighty months begin their solemn march.
With you whatever traces of our guilt remain
will vanish and loose the world from its perpetual fear.
He will consort with the gods and see heroes mingling
with them and he himself will appear to heroes and gods
and rule a world his father's virtues have brought to peace.

Flight From Revelation: What Eric Voegelin states about the attempt to flee from the biblical God and desacralize the world is ominous:

“When God is invisible behind the world, the contents of the world will become new gods; when the symbols of transcendent religiosity are banned, new symbols develop from the inner-worldly language of science to take their place. Like the Christian ecclesia, the inner-worldly community has its apocalypse too; yet the new apocalyptics insist that the symbols they create are scientific judgements.”

Worldview War: Now that we have outlined the Worldview War of the Worlds raging daily and around the globe, let’s continue this debate in coming essays…

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