Frontiers of Freedom Action Super PAC's Ad: Extremist & Corrupt Chuck Schumer & the Corrupt Media

1 year ago

In an upstate New York TV blitz alleging that the media is “the most powerful and corrupt institution in America” seeking to “smear” GOP candidates and protect their own “chosen candidates,” a conservative Super PAC is asking voters to “send a message to the media bosses” who are corrupting American journalism and give them a “miserable election night” bydefeating Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

In addition to focusing on Schumer as President Joe Biden’s “chief enabler”—complete with news footage of various Biden foreign and domestic policy fiascos—the strikingly vivid two-minute spot features an image of the far-left Democraticrepresentatives known as the “Squad,” led by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY), and charges: “Schumer made a corrupt bargain with left-wing extremists to not run a primary against him if he pushed far-left positions.”

The ad then lists Schumer’s close ties to radical groups that he has “never had to denounce,” which seek to “defund the police” and “destroy the New York City Police Department.” It also targets Schumer’s “dark money alliance with notorious anti-American billionaire George Soros, who funded all the lawless prosecutors like Alvin Bragg” (a controversial soft-on-crime New York City district attorney). It also ties Schumer to opposition to school reform and parental rights, as well as the destruction of women’s sports and childhood education with “gender lunacy.”

The ad, which launched on Thursday, August 25 on nightly news programs in the Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse markets,is set to run through next week.

“Our ad is a template for all Republican candidates because every single Senate Democrat—Mark Kelly(D-AZ), Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Maggie Hassan(D-NH), and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NM)—agreed to vote with the far-left wing of the party so long as they didn’t have to face a primary,” said George Landrith, Chairman of Frontiers of Freedom Action(FFA),the group who ran the ad.

“Any one of them, as the 50th Senator, could have stopped the Biden agenda—but they didn’t, because they put the wishes of the far left above the wishes oftheir constituents. They essentially said, ‘Don’t primary me, and I will vote your way,’” Landrith said.

“Most people in these states still find it hard to believe these Senators became extremists,” Landrith continued,“but when you explain why they were so frightened of a well-financed primary challenge, they understand.”

“The corrupt media’s firestorm of attacks on Republican candidates is coming in the fall, and the only way to stop it is to get ahead of it,” Landrith said,a theme echoed by an ad released by Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) this week, which attracted attention for taking aim at the corruption of the corporate media.

The first minute of the New York ad focuses predominantly on the media for trying to “crush dissent” and hide corruption,after displaying headlines about media scandals and smears—including its handling of the China Virus leak, censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story, promotion of the Russian collusion hoax, coverup for Hillary Clinton’s email scandals, and refusal to report on Biden’s blackmailing of the Ukrainian government. The ad also lists other political smears, like those against General Michael Flynn, students at Covington Catholic High School, and parents protesting anti-Americanism in their local schools.

The FFA ad goes on to blame the media for electing Joe Biden “by letting him run “from his basement” and “covering up his incompetence and ill health.” The ad also deems him to be “the worst president in modern history,” and features videos of Biden falling up the stairs on Air Force One and taking directions from the Easter Bunny at a White House event with the headline “EASTER BUNNY RUNS WHITE HOUSE EVENT.”

The spot then quickly switches to a photo of Schumer as “Biden’s chief enabler” and shows footage of a gleeful Biden and Schumer at a White House signing event for legislation that the GOP and most economistssay will drive inflation higher.

“First, you have the networks and newspapers. Second, you have the left-wing extremists like Chuck Schumer who run the Democratic Party. We are saying they are one and the same entity,” Landrith charged.

“Our ad changes the false media narrative from the supposed imperfections of GOP candidates to the massive national disadvantage of Democrats. Every single Senate Democrat is imperiled by their Biden identification, and especially by their corrupt bargain with the leftists that have taken over their party,” Landrith said.

Landrith is also optimistic that by focusing on the media’s deliberate one-sidedness—from its partisan coverage of this month’s Mar-a-Lago raid to itshabitual protection of Democratic candidates and politicians—the ad could elicit turnout from moderate or independent voters concerned with media corruption and the radicalism of Schumer’s agenda. “It’s very important to control the word ‘extremist,’” he said.

Additionally, the ad notes the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer attempt to push a radical takeover of elections—as well as efforts by other Democrats to alter the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Senate, American citizenship, and the Electoral College—represents a“scorched-earth rule-or-ruin” attack on longstanding American democratic institutions.

“The GOP has never gotten across to the people how those bills would have destroyed the secret ballot, putDepartment of Justice bureaucrats in charge of our elections, abolished citizenship rights, packed the Supreme Court into irrelevance, radically changed the U.S. Senate, and made a few states the only thing that mattered in presidential elections by abolishing the Electoral College,” said Landrith.

The spot’s release comes nearly two months ahead of the November 8 midterm elections, as Democrats amp up their fight to retain their control of Congress. Though Schumer himself at the moment is not regarded as politically vulnerable going into the fall midterms, FFA notes that some segments of the New York population—particularly upstate New York—might be receptive to attacks on Schumer’s startling record of radicalism. Just as ad campaigns in last fall’s New Jersey gubernatorial race (another deep-blue state) yielded far closer results than initially anticipated, FFA hopes that it can help to replicate the close matchup with this week’s spot.

“New Jersey could have a GOP Governor today if the D.C. establishment wasn’t so cautious,” Landrithstated. “Republicans need to stop playing defense and expand the Senate map.”

As Election Day draws closer and Democrats continue to accelerate their attacks against Republican candidates, FFA’s ad could help to expose Schumer’s radical agenda in a way the mainstream media has failed to do. And should it succeed, FFA’s strategy could prove instrumental in holding Schumer and other far-left politicians across the nation accountable for the first time in recent memory.

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