LIVE Make Marriage Great Again! What Needs to Happen

3 years ago

Gender confusion, easy divorce, pornogrophy, cohabitation, abortion, marriage distortions are among things leading to much loneliness and depression and prolonged singleness.

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Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina

Love Beyond The Sea is a biblical pro-marriage channel to help encourage and inspire men to pursue a Filipina for marriage.

A Filipina is a woman from the Philippines and can still make you a great wife, as I have discovered myself!

My channel is to equip men for this pursuit and to be the kind of husband every Filipina wants.

I will talk about as many aspects of marital relationships to a Filipina that I can. We've been married since May 10 of 2015, getting married in only 54 days from across the world.

This is a live stream that I hope will get you talking. It will end up in the Controversial Collection Playlist. Some of you will want you put on your steel toed shoes because I am apt to step on some toes tonight. I do not intend to offend anyone, but truth has been known to offend some people. Truth has also been known to guide people. I am going to be talking about making marriage great again. What do I mean by that? I know from the Bible in 1 Peter 3:7 that marriage is called “the grace of life”- Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

Life is a wonderful gift, marriage is the best way, most fulfilling and edifying way for most people to live. Something this good should be celebrated and pursued with vigor and maybe at one point in history it was. It used to be normal to get married…to the opposite sex.
When I was young, it seemed that people got married but there was also divorce. My parents were divorced in the 70s so it was prevalent then but even more so now, it would seem. I didn’t grow up with two parents, at least not like it is supposed to be and frankly, didn’t see what I am sure they would have wanted me to see. You grow up knowing you want to see your parents getting along and teaching you, together.

Today in 2021 divorce is commonplace and almost an expectation if you listen to some. There was and perhaps still is, the MGTOW movement with men abstaining from marriage, even going so far as to “instruct” young men to stay single, to not get married. There is gay marriage, there is open marriage, there is cohabitation, there is adultery; so many aberrations that one wonders how anyone can grow up normal today. Toss the deceit of birth control into the mix and the pagan Planned Parenthood and they will “fix” any mistakes you make while going your own way.

I have to think the proliferation of pornography is contributing to men and now women, staying single as they fritter away their lives in fantasy. I have six podcasts on Casting Beyond The Sea that talk about pornography. It is not at all a temporary substitute or entertainment until you find someone, it is a good way to keep you single and make you impotent. Then there are love dolls and virtual mates that just keep you alone. How silly.

#GWYW #MakeMarriageGreatAgain

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