Luke Skywalker in Kenobi Details | The Return of Palpatine Again? | Dune News

2 years ago

Luke Skywalker in Kenobi Details | The Return of Palpatine Again? | Dune News

If you have been following my investigations for the last few weeks, you are probably starting to understand what the Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi series is about and what it will likely feel like. This is a series about a man who lost so much and now lives in the aftermath of that loss. All of his human connections have been destroyed. Even though Kenobi took the oath of a Jedi and let go of all attachments, the very human part of him is still suffering. What seemingly gets Kenobi through these hot Tatooine days and the hard work on the Dune Sea is his secret mission to guard the son of “The Chosen One.”

Kenobi is continually having fastbacks to his time with Anakin Skywalker, the boy’s father. His failure haunts him. But he knows his mission to protect Luke Skywalker is their only chance at bringing balance to the Force. He is suffering but he knows his suffering will liberate the galaxy if the Jedi plan works, if he can do his part.

Luke Skywalker is a tricky character to use in this series. His secret sister Leia is less tricky. While we see her on Alderaan with her fancy parents in a young senatorial program, she can know a lot about the galaxy. The only thing she cannot know is Obi-Wan Kenobi personally and when she meets him he is disguised.

In one sequence, Owen, Beru, and young Luke Skywalker are away from their moisture farm. The set was very much like Mos Eisley in spirit. They filmed little Luke holding Beru’s hand while they look at trinkets in a market. Owen may be selling a harvest of their water in this sequence, my sources are not sure why he leaves his family. Obi-Wan watches them from a far, their secret protector on this journey. Luke is ultimately safe, even though danger has come to Tatooine and Owen sees it first hand.

Luke is looking at some toys and is denied getting what he wants. He is not a spoiled kid. Luke and Beru continue with their day and Luke is seemingly just happy to be off the farm for a time. These Luke sequences are said to be intercut with Leia who has many interesting things in her room on Alderaan, including droids to assist her with whatever she has going on that day.

Sometime later in the show, Obi-Wan signals for Owen and they approach one another in the desert. Owen blames Obi-Wan for making things worse and not really helping. Obi-Wan has what some sources have said is a “T-16 Skyhopper toy” and others have said is a “starship toy of some kind.” He asks Owen if he can give it to the boy and Owen says absolutely not. Owen feels this boy’s life is in danger because of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Obi-Wan is trying to bring him toys which is the last thing Luke Skywalker needs at that moment. He needs safety, not toys. This scene will mirror the lightsaber Kenobi will one day try to give Luke and also be denied.

Dejected, Obi-Wan Kenobi returns to the wilderness more alone than ever. Obi-Wan wants to connect with Luke and he cannot. Owen is not exactly wrong and he knows this.

Sources say Leia has a pretty big and obvious role in this series. Luke is more in the periphery. It isn’t his time to start adventuring just yet. He cannot see lightsabers or real action. He has to live a secluded life he doesn’t understand until A New Hope.

Is the T-16 Luke is playing in A New Hope the one Obi-Wan wanted to give him? We do see Luke playing with one years later after his farm purchases Threepio and Artoo. If so, it is kind of nice to know that both of the things Obi-Wan wanted to give Luke did eventually get to him.

While speaking with Metro (via StarWarsNews), Ian McDiarmid acknowledged that although Palpatine hadmet his end at the hands of Rey (Daisy Ridley) in The Rise of Skywalker, there’s a chance he could return in a future Star Wars project.

I think I have to accept that, thanks to my ungrateful granddaughter [Rey Skywalker], my annihilation was finally final. [But] of course [Darth] Vader is back in the new [Obi-Wan Kenobi] television series, so I suppose it’s not impossible that one day his mentor might be discovered once again skulking in the shadows.

It’s sometimes easy to forget that despite their massive budgets, even studio films like Dune can’t afford to get too ambitious with all of these otherworldly set pieces. In fact, according to what screenwriter Eric Roth recently told IndieWire, the movie originally had a much more epic intro that director Denis Villeneuve discarded because it simply wasn’t worth the cost.

The filmmaker is now a veteran of the sci-fi scene, having directed some of the best genre films in the last decade, including 2016’s Arrival and the highly-acclaimed Blade Runner 2049. In fact, even barring his obvious experience, the latter taught Villeneuve a valuable lesson with its staggering $185 million budget, which against a box office gross of $260 million, ended up losing the studio approximately $80 million.

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