Avorion 33.5 update

4 years ago

Escorting ships can now passively shoot nearby enemies as long as their protegee wasn't harmed yet
Reduced overall bounciness of physics
Fighters can now heal their mothership if ordered via fighter orders
AI piloted ships can now heal themselves when they have repair fighters

"We adjusted the pricing of turrets. Work in progress. There were some pretty harsh outliers, with salvaving, force or mining turrets selling for a price higher than most stations. Other turrets, like point defense cannons, almost cost nothing at all. You can still get crazy turrets for crazy prices, but it'll fit more to the kind of turret. Pricing is now more equally distributed and we removed some of the super harsh outliers, which we think is healthier for the game overall."
Adjusted prices of turrets
Pricing is now more equally distributed over all turret types
Fixed several issues with massive outliers in turret pricing
Fixed several outliers where turrets would cost / sell for nearly nothing at all

Energy suppressor now suppresses pirate attacks as well as xsotan and head hunter attacks
Reduced power of force fighters since they could be used for griefing a lot
Reduced probability of "free slaves" mission on bulletin boards
Increased damage of laser turrets
Increased damage of lightning turrets
Increased damage of tesla turrets
Increased damage of Laser Point Defense turrets

Workforce bars in the Crew Tab are now correctly updated to show the influence of the current morale
Added icon for "your cargo bay isn't configured to collect this"
Added a hint to crew tab about automatic crew payments
Disabled "Situational" turret targeting since it was mostly glitchy and unintuitive
Improved german translation
Classes of own ships are now shown on galaxy map and the fleet window
Added a button to change a ship's class from the fleet window
Improved the color "Orange" (yes really)
Added warnings for when inventory is full
The "Found Ship" button on the top right gets a highlight when a player tries to enter build mode while in the drone
Added quick transfer of items between alliance and player by holding shift
Improved the IME input (still not perfect, but we're on it!)
Added new stations pictures to encyclopedia and updated some descriptions
Improved visibility of name and emblem on ghost blocks in building mode
Added loading screen tip that talks about the detailed turret tooltip option
Lost fighters are now shown in sector tooltip on the galaxy map
Updated icon for resource depot
Added error messages for craft orders: heal, heal target, attack, attack enemy, guard, patrol
Updated encyclopedia

Increased visual size of fighters when they're big fighters
Added more debug logging to find more issues
Improved performance of alliance emblems
Added particle effect to crew loot to better recognize them
Added one more bug for you to find
The tutorial is now automatically terminated if the player loses his ship in building mode

Scripting API:
Added clearValues() functions to all objects that can have values set
Added a listFilesOfDirectory() function
Added a deleteFile() function
removeFolder(): only removes empty directories now
Added callback "onSectorGenerated" similar to "onRestoredFromDisk" for sectors being generated for the first time
Added a Galaxy:isFactionLoaded(...) function to check if a faction is currently in memory
Added a UIRect class
Added "slots" and "automatic" properties to fighters that always return 1 and false to simplify some code
Added a stoneDamageMultiplier property for armed objects

Fixed an issue where after boarding a ship, the ship would still count as pirate, head hunter, etc.
Fixed several issues with pirates, xsotan and head hunters spawning where they shouldn't
Fixed an issue where craft designs didn't restore their saved turret designs
Yes, they were supposed to do that from the very beginning

Fixed several issues with german translation in missions
Fixed an issue where every dialog with an entity started the exodus mission if a exodus beacon was in the same sector
Fixed ingredients list not being restored correctly
Fixed an issue where asteroids and other objects would jitter around while mining them
Fixed an issue where scrapping license duration of alliances wasn't shown in scrapyard
Fixed an issue where player wasn't put in the correct location after a jump
Fixed an issue that led to only factories of size S being generated
Fixed an issue that led to unarmed AI ships flying off into nothingness
Fixed an issue where hull polarizer would remove too many HP
Fixed an issue where expanded combo boxes weren't clickable when they expanded outside the window they were in
Fixed an issue that prevented reclassing of ships in some cases
Fixed an issue where Headquarters couldn't get missions on their bulletin board
Fixed an issue where explore sector couldn't be returned to stations except military outpost
Fixed an issue where compare window wasn't shown ove

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