Common Ownership is Authoritarian: Libertarian Socialist Rants Debunked

3 years ago

Common ownership is authoritarian, this is something Libertarian Socialist Rants clearly doesn't understand and have debunked his argument on Libertarian Socialism numerous times. There is no such thing as _'Democratic'_ or _'Libertarian'_ Socialism, there is socialism and it cannot avoid totalitarianism.Libertarian Socialist Rants like all socialists attempt to manipulate the definition of socialism in an attempt to fit it around their own personal agenda.

As I've mentioned numerous times before, when you listen to socialists they speak about socialism purely from the basis of theory, not from the practical sense. One of the most erroneous arguments you will come across with Libertarian Socialists is the argument on common ownership, they have manipulated it so much in the desperate attempt to defend socialism that they have changed the meaning of common ownership to fit in personal ownership of property.

Again, it proves to you just how irrational the likes of Libertarian Socialist Rants are.As pointed out, the dictionary definition of the word _'personal'_ could not be clearer:

• of, relating to, or affecting a particular person : private, individual.
• relating to an individual or an individual's character, conduct, motives, or private affairs often in an offensive manner.
• intended for private use or use by one person.
• relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a group or an organization.
• relating to a particular person; private: a personal matter.
• belonging to or intended for a particular person and no-one else: as a personal favour; for your personal use.

As you can see the definition could not be clearer, it is the complete opposite of collective ownership, it pertains to the individual. Whilst there is a difference between MOVABLE and IMMOVABLE property, regardless, individual ownership has NOTHING to do with socialism.

I debunked Libertarian Socialist Rants argument that you cannot strip an individual of their rights and liberty and then pretend to be Libertarian, this is why common ownership is authoritarian because it takes away the rights and liberty for an individual to work for the fruits of their own labour. I pointed out the irrationality of trying to get people to collectively vote for what gets produced, under common ownership you have to subordinate the individuals needs and wants for the greater good of the greater number and given how complex and different every individuals needs and wants are it is impossible to just lump everyone in the same basket and produce food or providing shelter given the fact everyone is different.

The entire worldview of socialists is irrational and infantile, the fact he argues that private ownership under capitalism is violence speaks volumes for itself, in fact, going on to argue and justify using violence against private individual owners. We can see why Antifa and Black Lives Matter organisation were burning and looting private businesses because idiots like this exist.

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