Career change is my story and typical mistakes! How to know if it’s time to change careers?

2 years ago

What challenges are presented with a career change?
"Career change is my story and typical mistakes!"
7 Common Career Change Obstacles
Building a New Network. Most established professionals have a strong professional network to rely on when they look for a new job.
Being Too Old. If you think age is a career change obstacle, think again!
Starting Over. If you’ve been a software developer for 20 years and you now want to be an English teacher, there will be a significant shift in the amount of experience you have.
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Irrelevant Skills. Just because you are moving your career path into a different area doesn’t mean you have to completely abandon all of your skills or that the skills you already possess have no value where you’re going.
Employer Risk. When it comes to changing careers, you’re not the only person taking a risk—the employer is too. Not only do you often lack the necessary experience, employers sometimes wonder if career changers are truly dedicated to the new field.



Money Matters. As mentioned above, when you make a career change, you’re often starting over at the bottom of the career ladder, which usually means a pay cut. And unfortunately, pay cuts are often a major career change obstacle that gets in the way.
It's Been a Long Time. Maybe it’s been a few years (or more!) since you looked for a job in your current field. As a result, you’re nervous about how the job search has changed no matter what field you’re looking in!

Quitting your job can be scary, but sometimes it's the best thing you can do for your career, says entrepreneur Chieh Huang. He shares how to know when it’s time to move on -- and what can you do to prepare.

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