5/15/24 The hornets have come, look out what’s next. ❤️

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Hornets Attack IDF Soldiers — Nearly Killing Them! (Updated)
May 15, 2024 Veronika West
news headline screen capture by author
Hundreds of hornets attack IDF soldiers in southern Gaza, 10 hospitalized “I have never seen a similar case of hundreds of bees attacking one person,” said Dr. Avi Ironi, director of the Sheba Emergency Medical Center. The IDF announced on Friday afternoon that IDF soldiers had been attacked by hundreds of hornets in the southern Gaza Strip. The Sheba Medical Center reported that ten soldiers had arrived at the hospital for treatment. Several of them were transferred to the standard wards for treatment. One soldier was transferred to intensive care.
“This is not a Coincidence! ” — Hornets Attack IDF* Soldiers, Nearly Killing Them!”

Many of you would have read the most recent and powerful dream, I had about the Hornet of Joshua 24 and Hamas been driven out:

See HKP Word and Link:

When this Israel News Headline was sent to me today and I read the story, I immediately began to pray inquiring of The LORD.

As soon as I asked The Holy Spirit for understanding He quickened to me Exodus 7-8 , when Moses and Aaron went to confront Pharaoh in Egypt, and demand that God’s people be set free from a Slavery.

Moses and Aaron performed signs and miracles to confirm the poignancy of their message, and on three occasions Pharaoh’s magicians were able to duplicate the miracles.

In Exodus 7:8-13, God instructs Moses and Aaron to throw down Aaron’s staff upon meeting Pharaoh and when Aaron did,k his staff turned into a snake.

Pharaoh immediately summoned his own magicians, and they were able to turn their own staffs into snakes.

Ha! But we know what happened — Aaron’s snake devoured the magicians’ snakes, proving that God has greater power — and He always has the last say!

There were two other occasions when Pharaoh’s magicians were able to perform the same miracles that Moses and Aaron did.

The first plague, when Moses called down a plague of blood. Pharaoh’s magicians were also able to do the same and they turned water to blood, just as Moses had done to the Nile River.

Then a second plague was a horde of frogs sent among the people and the magicians did the same thing, only making matters worse for themselves.

But we see that after the magicians had performed the second plague, their demonic powers were stifled and stopped, and they were unable to replicate anymore plagues, and they were forced to acknowledge that they were witnessing “the finger of God” working through Moses and Aaron.

Friends, though Pharaoh’s magicians had power, we can see it was limited power and though they tried to copy and bring forth a counterfeit on each occasion, what actually ended up happening was a mighty demonstration and manifestation of Gods Glory in the land, and eventually in spite of their best endeavours, God’s Power stymied theirs!

We know that Gods Power reigns supreme and that the purposes of God will always defeat the works of men and the schemes of Satan.

God always Wins!

• Keep Watching and Praying for The Nation of Israel.

• Pray for these IDF Soldiers, that God would heal and Restore them.

• Pray that every attempt by the enemy to counter the plans and purposes of God will be utterly destroyed.

*IDF = Israel Defense Forces

Aaron’s Miraculous Rod
“Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, “When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘Show a miracle for yourselves,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your rod and cast it before Pharaoh, and let it become a serpent.’ ” So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and they did so, just as the Lord commanded. And Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent.
But Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers; so the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. For every man threw down his rod, and they became serpents. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods. And Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, as the Lord had said.” Exodus 7:8-13.

Exodus 7-8

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!
January 14, 2024 Veronika West
A Word to The UK — A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored — greater than before….!
While praying at the beginning of the New Year, 2024, for the four Nations of The United Kingdom, God showed to me that in His great Mercy, He has preserved and reserved a Remnant for the days ahead, who will stand in the gap and cry for a Nation caught in-between — to be let go!
As I prayed — I believe prophetically — that there will be something of a falling away of The Royal Family in the days to come.
Though not a complete dismantling — but rather a redefinition and reformation of The Royal Family as we have known it in the natural.
And God showed me a new Royal Family shall emerge! A Royal Remnant is rising!
I saw a Crown of Kingship Anointing, and the Gold Signet Ring of Authority, is being transferred to The Ecclesia in the Nation!
There is a rising of The Royal Household of God, that will cause a Prodigal Nation to come to its senses, and to return to The Father’s Heart in true Repentance.
The heart of a Prodigal Nation will Turn and Return — and as this takes place, a great Restoration and Restitution will come to a stiff-necked and rebellious Nation, to The Glory of God among The Nations!
The time of Divine Exposure is here! Judgement is here! But there will be a simultaneous move of The Spirit, so we will see a move of both severe Judgement and supernatural Birthing, taking place in this Nation.

Recently, I heard these Words, ”Listen! For the bleating of sheep has given rise to the sound of Islam on your streets — but I AM raising up a Royal Priesthood in this Prodigal Nation who will align and position themselves at The Altar — and they will take hold of the Horns of The Altar once again, and their cry of true Repentance will carry the weight to shift and tip The Scales in The Court Room of Heaven!
Watch! For the fat ones will emerge in a time of coming Famine and Wars.
I say, New Wars — and rumours of Wars — for a Nation that I had to resist and reject because of its pride, will be humbled and brought to its knees.”
Then I heard The Spirit say this over The United Kingdom, ”Did I not say that the wolves were circling at the Door of Destiny?
Did I not say that a stiff-necked and rebellious Nation would be humbled and brought to its knees?
And did I not say that a Nation divided against itself would not stand — and that the Truss that was removed to satisfy the corrupt, would cause the whole house to collapse?
Yes! For I tell you, the sound of the bleating of sheep has given rise to the sound of Islam on the streets.
The seed of the corrupt has birthed an unrighteous root which has defiled the fruit of the tree, but watch as the axe comes down upon the root.
Watch as The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD exposes the rot in the root system, for I shall deal with contamination and mixture both in My Church House and the house of government!
All will be exposed! I shall move to drive out the thieves and the corrupt merchandisers from My Father’s House, for I will overturn their tables, drive them out into the public square!
Naked they shall stand before the eyes of all Nations! The time of Divine Uprooting and Tearing-down has surely begun!
But I say, watch! For while the Watchmen slept, Satan sowed tares among the wheat!
I say, watch your house of government — for worship to false gods and false religions, and sacrifices made to demonic idols, has created a legal right for the traffic of satanic entities!
See! For The Changing of The Guard will usher in a wolf in sheep’s clothing for a time and a season — and a Nation full of pride — and having gone its own way — will surely eat its full with the pigs!
But! Watch! For I shall raise up a Royal Remnant with a roar of The Lion of Judah, that will push back the agenda of the global elites, and bring this Lion Nation back on its feet!”
Please also see these Prophetic Words that run parallel:
1) “UK: After Humbling, a Great Awakening is Ahead“
2) “UK: Humbling & Awakening — Part 2“
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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