Episode 1848: Rosary - Glorious Mysteries - Bead Meditation

3 months ago

1. Resurrection of Our Lord: Matthew 28:5-6
And the angel answering, said to the women: Fear not you; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he is risen, as he said. Come, and see the place where the Lord was laid.
Bead 1: Picture the scene at the tomb, the stone rolled away, and the guards in astonishment.
Bead 2: Reflect on the moment when the risen Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene. Feel her surprise, recognition, and overwhelming joy.
Bead 3: Contemplate Jesus' words to Mary, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father." Consider the significance of this encounter.
Bead 4: Meditate on Mary Magdalene's joy and urgency as she runs to tell the disciples the good news.
Bead 5: Reflect on the disciples' initial disbelief upon hearing Mary's proclamation of the risen Lord.
Bead 6: Contemplate the disciples' hurried journey to the tomb, their hearts filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.
Bead 7: Picture the moment when Peter enters the tomb and sees the burial cloths, realizing that something extraordinary has occurred.
Bead 8: Meditate on John's account of the events, and the growing realization that Jesus has indeed risen from the dead.
Bead 9: Reflect on the disciples' encounter with the risen Jesus on the road to Emmaus, their hearts burning with understanding.
Bead 10: Consider the profound impact of the Resurrection on the disciples' faith, and the joy that must have filled their hearts as they began to comprehend the magnitude of this miracle.

2. Ascension into Heaven: Luke 24:50-51
And he led them out as far as Bethania: and lifting up his hands, he blessed them. And it came to pass, whilst he blessed them, he departed from them, and was carried up to heaven.
Bead 1: Reflect on the forty days after Jesus' resurrection, during which He appeared to His disciples and taught them.
Bead 2: Contemplate the scene at the Mount of Olives, where Jesus prepared to ascend to Heaven.
Bead 3: Picture the disciples gathered around Jesus, listening to His final instructions, and receiving His blessing.
Bead 4: Meditate on Jesus' ascent into the clouds, His physical departure from the disciples.
Bead 5: Reflect on the awe and wonder that must have filled the hearts of those who witnessed this miraculous event.
Bead 6: Contemplate the lingering presence of the angels, who assured the disciples that Jesus would return.
Bead 7: Imagine the disciples' mixture of emotions - awe, sadness, and a sense of mission as they awaited the promised Holy Spirit.
Bead 8: Picture the disciples making their way back to Jerusalem, carrying with them the profound experience of the Ascension.
Bead 9: Meditate on the commission Jesus gave His disciples to go forth and spread the Gospel to all nations.
Bead 10: Reflect on your own mission to share the Good News and live out the teachings of Jesus in your own life.

3. The Pentecost: Acts 2:3-4
And there appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak.
Bead 1: Contemplate the disciples gathered in the Upper Room, united in prayer and anticipation.
Bead 2: Picture the sudden rush of wind and the appearance of tongues of fire, as the Holy Spirit descended upon each of them.
Bead 3: Meditate on the transformation that took place within the disciples, as they were filled with courage and newfound gifts.
Bead 4: Reflect on the languages spoken by the disciples, enabling them to communicate the Gospel to people from various nations.
Bead 5: Contemplate the amazement of the crowds who witnessed this miraculous event and heard the disciples' proclamation.
Bead 6: Imagine Peter's boldness as he addressed the crowd, explaining the significance of this outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Bead 7: Picture the conversions and baptisms that took place on that day, as many came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah.
Bead 8: Meditate on the formation of the early Christian community, united in faith and fellowship.
Bead 9: Reflect on the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the Church, guiding and empowering believers throughout history.
Bead 10: Consider how the Holy Spirit continues to work in your own life, guiding, inspiring, and empowering you in your faith journey.

4. Assumption of Mary: Hebrews 11:5
By faith Henoch was translated, that he should not see death; and he was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had testimony that he pleased God.
Bead 1: Reflect on Mary's life of faith and her unique role as the Mother of God.
Bead 2: Contemplate the moment of Mary's assumption into Heaven, body, and soul, by the power of God.
Bead 3: Picture the angels and heavenly hosts welcoming Mary with joy and reverence.
Bead 4: Meditate on Mary's glorification in Heaven, her perfect union with God.
Bead 5: Reflect on Mary's intercession and her special role as Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Bead 6: Contemplate the love and tenderness with which Mary continues to care for her spiritual children.
Bead 7: Imagine the beauty and splendor of Heaven, where Mary now dwells in perfect union with God.
Bead 8: Picture the saints and angels surrounding Mary, honoring her as the Mother of the Savior.
Bead 9: Meditate on the hope and promise of our own eventual reunion with Mary in the glory of Heaven.
Bead 10: Reflect on your own longing for union with God and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the heavenly kingdom.

5. Coronation of Mary: Apocalypse 11:19-12:1
And the temple of God was opened in heaven: and the ark of his testament was seen in his temple, and there were lightnings, and voices, and an earthquake, and great hail. And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars...
Bead 1: Contemplate the moment when Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth by the Blessed Trinity.
Bead 2: Picture the angels and saints rejoicing in Mary's exaltation and offering her their love and praise.
Bead 3: Meditate on Mary's perfect union with the will of God and her special role in the divine plan.
Bead 4: Reflect on the profound love and reverence that Jesus and the Father have for Mary, their beloved daughter.
Bead 5: Contemplate Mary's intercession on behalf of all humanity, and her motherly care for each of us.
Bead 6: Imagine the beauty and splendor of the heavenly court, where Mary reigns as Queen.
Bead 7: Picture the saints and angels offering their own praises to Mary, acknowledging her as their Queen and Mother.
Bead 8: Meditate on the role of Mary as our powerful intercessor, always ready to bring our needs before the throne of God.
Bead 9: Reflect on your own devotion and love for Mary, and the ways in which she has touched your life.
Bead 10: Consider how you can emulate Mary's faith, humility, and love in your own journey of faith.

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