Col Binney PhD NSA, blew the whistle on a program allowing the NSA to spy on literally every American - 1 Apr, 2023

1 year ago

Be careful what you post: How Facebook and the US government have united against Americans with the 'wrong' views
Col William Binney PhD NSA Technical Director, blew the whistle on a program allowing the NSA to spy on literally every American. It was a game-changing decision, patently illegal, and extraordinarily expensive. Binney was publicly critical of the NSA spying on American citizens after September 11, saying Trailblazer was “better than anything that the KGB, the Stasi, or the Gestapo and SS ever had.”
Interviewed by John Kiriakou PhD Senior CIA Intelligence Officer
Barack Hussein Obama Regime Tapped then Hacked Trump, his Team. 6.29.17
Col Binney PhD Tech Director of NSA: Intel community ‘not being honest’ with president about Russia
November 8, 2017 first 11 minutes
A group of former intelligence officers says they have proof that the alleged hack of the Democratic National Committee’s emails last summer was actually an inside job. While the CIA and the Trump administration are listening, the political establishment and mainstream media are pushing back, smearing Bill Binney, a former NSA whistleblower and intelligence professional who was involved with the analysis. “News with Ed” host Ed Schultz sits down with Binney.
CIA’s intelligence coup with Col William Binney PhD Fmr Technical Director of NSA
On the show this week, Chris Hedges talks to intelligence analyst and NSA whistleblower William Binney about the Washington Post’s revelations over the CIA and West German intelligence (BND) setting up a Swiss company, Crypto AG, to sell encrypted machines to more than 120 governments worldwide. From 1970 through to 2018, the CIA intercepted foreign government communications. Among the countries buying the machines were France, Iran, the Vatican, and Venezuela. “It was the intelligence coup of the century,” stated the CIA’s own report on the program. Russia and China did not buy the service. 12 Apr, 2020 06:23
John Kiriakou PhD Senior CIA Intelligence Officer
Tom Drake PhD Senior NSA officer: NSA surveillance of American citizens after 9/11
In many whistleblowing cases, the highest stakes are for national security whistleblowing. It takes a great deal of fortitude to take on the power and authority of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and in some cases, the White House itself. Oftentimes, whistleblowers pay with their career, and in some cases, their freedom. In this episode of The Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks to Tom Drake, who was a senior NSA officer. Drake blew the whistle on the NSA’s dragnet surveillance of Americans in the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks. Feb 4, 2023 06:43
John Kiriakou PhD Senior CIA Intelligence Officer
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