1906 Potato Onion Soup

1 year ago

Potato Onion Soup.
20th Century Cook Book
Maude C. Cooke
2-3 good-sized onions
3 tbs flour
1 pint boiling water or stock
3 good-sized potatoes
1 quart boiling milk
1 tbs parsley
Fried bread.
Slice 2 or 3 good-sized onions and fry them in a little butter until they are soft, then add 3 tablespoonfuls of flour and stir until it is a little cooked, but not brown. To this gradually add a pint of boiling water, or stock if you have it, stirring all the time so it shall be smooth. Boil and mash 3 good-sized potatoes and stir in them 1 quart of boiling milk. Stir the two mixtures together and season well. When very hot pour through a colander into a tureen. Sprinkle over the top a tablespoonful of parsley, chopped fine, and a little fried bread.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Notes: Instead of thickening with flour I used less broth.

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