2 years ago

kenobi is once again reaching out to qui gon jinn, his old master. I guess in these 10 years he hasn’t been able to reach him. Yoda’s training hasn’t gone too well I guess.
as he hears voices of the past, like yoda telling him only pain will you find, qui gon’s plea to train anakin, reverberations of anakin on mustafaor, we see Vader being put together, really connecting the fact that anakin and vader are now the same person physically. obi wan can feel vader, and tells quigon that he is coming.

As Vader walks out of his chamber, which looks lke the same one from Rogue One, we get a beautiful shot of mustafar and his castle. For those new to star wars, this is the same place where he fought obi-wan and lost, burning alive. This is also where in the comics, he opened a portal beneath his castle to bring back his dead wife padme, which of course didn’t work as planned. check out the marvel darth vader comics and darth momin for more about that.
Vader sits atop his obsidian throne, as he orders Reva around. Where is he, he says, and we hear this is james earl jones iconic voice. I feel it could be perfected with some audio engineering like how luke skywalker’s voice was made in the mandalorian, being completely computer generated.
He tells her that kenobi is all that matters, not the grand inquisitor. She clearly has lied and told Vader that Kenobi killed the GI, to which of course Vader will realize that this is impossible once he fights Kenobi and sees he’s pathetic.

He explains he knows what she wants, to be the grand inquisitor. If she brings him Kenobi, he will award her the promotion. If she fails, he’ll terminate her. So Vader has definitely given the go ahead to the Empire to track Kenobi down, and notify him once they have him in near sight. Vader ends communication and gets up like a robot, his lightsaber hanging from his belt, emitter side up, just like the original trilogy.

As They land on Mapuzo, a mining system, we see a lifter droid and an R5 unit. R5 was the droid in a new hope that had the bad motivator, which was replaced by R2D2 to Luke Skywalker and Uncle Owen. This isn’t the same R5 unit, just a R5 unit.

As Obi-Wan looks out in to the distance, he sees dark side Anakin in his jedi robes. this is the first time we see Anakin played by hayden christensen in anything since revenge of the sith. I had to do a double take, I couldn’t believe it was him.

They enter a room that many Jedi have been in, this is a safe house, called the path. It all leads to Jabim, where they give the force sensitives captured by the empire, new identities and free them. As Leia asks what happens to them, it’s revealed no one ever sees them again. So I can say what happens to the is that the empire takes them in, and tries to convert them to the dark side. As Kenobi reveals carving on the walls from Quinlan Voss. This is amazing. We haven’t heard of Quinlan in forever, no one knew if he lived or died from Order 66. Quinlan was a powerful Jedi during the clone wars, he helped obi-wan on many missions and had a unique ability shared with Cal Kestis called psychometry.

I think this is Hayden in the suit.

Kenobi runs away, and he’s stopped to see Vader infront of him. Igniting his crimson red lightsaber. Obi-Wan wants no part of this and runs away. Finally igniting his saber as Vader tells him he can’t hide forever.

We get the best line where Kenobi says what have you become?
Vader puases and says I am what you made me.

They fight and it doesn’t look good for Kenobi at all, Vader overpowers him and he’s literally toying with him. 10 years have led to this moment, where Vader wants KEnobi to suffer. He’s also extremely cautious, as in this 10 years he’s had time to reflect on everything, and realizes his loss could have been avoided had he not been so arrogant and quick to make decisions. Rageful Vader is learning about Kenobi, he’s more tactful, more experienced, and more patient, waiting for the right time to unleash.

Reva finds the safe house.

Vader lifts Kenobi with the dark side of the force, choking him, spilling flammable material, as Obi-Wan drops his lightsaber.
Igniting the substance, Vader throws Obi-Wan into the fire, dragging him with the force, paying him back to how Obi-Wan left him on mustafar, burning alive. Telling him this is only the beginning for the pain he’s about to feel.
Vader clearly wants Obi-Wan to die very slowly, only after suffering to Vader’s enjoyment. That’s why he didn’t go all out, he’s savouring the moment. Playing with his food before he eats. As Storm troopers come, Vader orders them to bring him, when one is shot by the lady helping obi-wan, and she explodes a cannister into massive flames. Vader watches Kenobi being picked up by the loader droid who i think is wrecker or Rex, and we see the flames in his lenses. Symbolizing his rage and his past with obi-wan, the fires that turned him into who he is today.

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