Your Present Point Of Power Will Make You Unstoppable In Defying the Wicked thUgs of the NWO

1 year ago

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both and are still banned and maybe deleted by this provider... I also see my hits meter has be reset at the bottom of ppop.

The Freemasons and their mind-controlled gangstalkers have been trying to poison me to death hundreds of time over the past 16 years.
Freemasons have also been arranging nano-tech assisted assassinations against my life for the same period, since 2006, when they discovered me handing out my anti-political-corruption CDs for 4 years They were totally bamboozled that somehow I was still managing to avoid all their murder attempts.
In short, you and I are spiritual-soul-fragments and through the multidimensional probabilities our Creator-God keeps us alive if we desire to remain alive. The Creator-God has made this physical reality into a customizable zone of learning through your infinite choices through the probabilities. The Creator-God places you at the center of your perception and thus you are placed at the helm of your probability-ship or probable-time-overlay. Both the good-willed and wicked-willed people in your life are your co-creators(with you at the center controlling the helm, trimming the sails, steering your customizable ship.) Your beliefs and desires and what you concentrate upon is what your Oversoul or Source-Self uses to select which probable-world that you end up in even if the Freemasons are trying to murder you. They called me "invincible-JamesRoss" during a mind-job they put me through. If they use deadly force against me their world begins to fall to pieces... Their assassins may have a fatal accident, their A.i. brainchip computer may have a melt-down... maybe the ancient Homo capensis may start dying suddenly from some strange miracle. It would be nice to send them all back to their own planet some day. Karen Hudes claimed that they are all from planet Mars before the capture of the Proto-Saturnic Solar-System capture by our Sun...

I have good-intentions for good people... Most Christians are people of good-intentions and most Luciferians/Freemasons are people of wicked-intentions I have found out. Seth recommends all Homo sapiens to live their lives by good-intentions because wicked and murderous intent will bring their own world to come crashing down upon them because this is a spiritual training-grounds where the probabilities are infinite.

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