Healing From Trauma Of The Plandemic - Naturopath & Medical Intuitive Dr. Rita Louise

2 years ago

Healing From Trauma Of The Plandemic - Naturopath & Medical Intuitive Dr. Rita Louise | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 3/6/22

Listen online: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio

Almost everyone feels the stress of the last two years, with the unconstitutional (in the U.S.), dishonest and anti-human "mandates," ordering us to cover our faces, stay away from each other and submit to being injected with the "poisoned death shots," as Dr. Zev Zelenko accurately calls them. Estimates of the death toll to date from the COVID vaccines in the U.S. alone are over 2 million and climbing. This is based on a Harvard study reporting that about 1% of injuries and deaths from vaccines ever get reported to VAERS (https://covid-crime.org/harvard-vaccine-injury-study/).

Besides the massive physical injury and death from the vaccines, which has created immeasurable emotional stress to victims and their families and friends, there has been further emotional and health damage caused by financial loss, as businesses have been forced to close, gatherings of people have been prohibited and faces of people are covered. People who were fortunate enough to learn what the COVID vaccines contain and what they actually do, have in many cases lost their jobs and careers as a punishment for not allowing themselves to be injected and risk injury or death. Emotional damage to children, whose normal development requires them to see faces, has been extreme and will not be fully known for many years.

Dr. Rita Louise is a naturopath, medical intuitive, counselor and trauma specialist, working with clients from all parts of the world in online sessions (https://soulhealer.com/about-dr-rita-louise/), helping people recover their normal, healthy, emotional and physical well-being. We'll be discussing with Dr. Rita what she can recommend from her practice and experience, for all of us who want to come through whatever is left of this man-made pandemic with our emotional and physical health intact. I'm looking forward to an important and practical discussion, and whatever Dr. Rita will share that we can use to stay strong, physically and emotionally energized, immune to the virus of fear.

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Richard Sacks, Host



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