🔍 We have a mystery in our house! My half gallon and wide mouth quarts are disappearing.

24 days ago

🔍 We have a mystery in our house! My half gallon and wide mouth quarts are disappearing.

It's like we have a black hole for jars! I cannot figure it out.

Our son Mikah keeps asking, "Mom, where are all our jars?"

All I can say is... "Mikah, I have no idea!"

When I open the fridge, we're only using two or three.

So... where are they? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I have a feeling it's my fault. I've probably given away more as gifts than I realize. And I probably sent some with Haniya and Naomi, our daughters, for various purposes, thinking "Oh, I have tons to spare." And some have cracked or broken, too.

Well... now I don't have tons anymore! So I ordered some and they just arrived. 🙌🏻

These mason jars are a staple in Eat God's Way. They're just a basic need for storing food in fridge, freezer, pantry, and even personal care items.

In Eat God's Way, we're all about getting back to basics.

Simple methods. Simple tools. Simple whole foods. Simple goodness.

Would you like to learn more about Eat God's Way?

I've got a great selection of simple recipes for you, including our favorite quick soaked muffins, in our FREE Eat God's Way 2-book set, specifically the companion cookbook.

To get the FREE Eat God's Way books, go here:

FYI Eat God's Way recipes and methods use high-quality, simple whole foods along with cooking methods from Bible Times that save you money and time, while providing nutritious, digestible, and delicious meals and snacks for your family.

BTW it's NOT rule-based. We eat this way to give God glory and honor His design for our nourishment.

God bless you! 🥰

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