BCF 341: Weathering Economic Storms in Real Estate with Chris Prefontaine

1 year ago

For many investors, one of the greatest benefits of building passive income in real estate is the ability to spend time doing what you want to do. However, this is contingent upon you building a sustainable portfolio that can withstand the tough economic times, and prosper in the good times as well. Chris Prefontaine is a real estate veteran and has been in the game for over 27 years. Chris has been through several economic cycles and designed his life around real estate and ultimately found freedom. This didn’t come without challenges, as Chris had to grow and scale his portfolio, and getting through the tougher times took a lot of hard work.

According to Chris, success means aligning your values, purpose, and mission for better communication and business growth. He’s also the Amazon best-selling author of Real Estate On Your Terms and the founder of Smart Real Estate Coach. Chris is also the host of the Smart Real Estate Coach podcast. He shares stories of how he weathered our tough economic cycles and came out on top. Getting in the trenches and getting deals done is a key element of success in real estate, which is something he drives home to students. Chris also shares tips on how to find the right assets at the right price, how to become an authority for buyers and sellers, managing credit and financing, and how to prepare your business for an economic downturn.

What’s Inside:

—How Chris weathered economic downturns and lessons learned
—Finding the right assets for the right price in a tough market
—How to position yourself as an authority for your buyers and sellers
—How to prepare your real estate business for an economic downturn

Mentioned In This Episode:

—bulletproofcashflow.com: https://bulletproofcashflow.com/
—RDYNE.com: http://www.rdyne.com
—Real Estate On Your Terms Book: https://www.amazon.com/Real-Estate-Your-Terms-Continuous/dp/1599328194
—SmartRealEstateCoach.com: https://smartrealestatecoach.com/

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