BBoy Munch - Flexible Flave and Mentorship

3 years ago

Bboy Munch sits down to discuss his come up as a dancer. He talks about the struggles and realizations that dance has helped him come to. We have an interesting discussion about mentorship and the importance of it in everything we do.

Noise of the Broke Boys Podcast - Episode 031

BBoy Munch - Flexible Flave and Mentorship

W/U's album, Acuestate is used as a backing track to this entire podcast.

Peep the full album on Soundcloud:

Follow @ Instagram: noiseofthebrokeboys

Twitter: BrokeBoysNoise

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A broke degenerate hooligan documents conversations about being a Bboy, Breakin', Hip Hop, Dance, Art, Music, Creativity, Innovation, and the slow subtle crumble of society in audio form.

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