15 Profitable Small Business Ideas for 2022

2 years ago

Profitable businesses that are in high demand in 2022
Time codes:

0:00 Small business ideas for 2021

0:27 Organic vending machines

The organic vending machine business would be a great idea

for places where people tend to care more about their health.

The machine would offer healthy snacks and drinks, instead of

coke, chips and candies. Candies 1:20 Taxis with car seats Stats This business idea would provide a solution for parents in

California and some other parts of the US, where you're required to put your child in a car seat. 2:55 Driver service ga Drive

Here I'm talking about the service that will be available regular people and wouldn't cost a fortune. Let's say you drove to a restaurant and had a drink with a friend. You would be able


to use this service, the driver would come to your location and

drive your car home with you.

car nom

3:45 Find a doctor service

This service would help you to find the right doctor for you,


based on your location, insurance and rating, so you wouldn't

have to spend hours researching and being put on hold when

trying to make an appointment.

5:10 Welcome to the USA service This service would be helpful for immigrants, workers from other.com other countries, who need help with taxes, renting a car/

apartment, getting SSNS, finding doctors, opening bank

accounts, etc.

6:45 Food delivery to the airplane or to the train

There are long flights that don't provide food. It would be great

to have a service that brings that healthy meal to your gate for

you, so you don't have to worry about it.

8:01 15-minute grocery delivery

You can rent an apartment or storage space and fill it with

groceries that are always in high demand, create a website or

an app where people can order it.

9:36 Start a YouTube Channel

If you want to learn from my experience, enroll in my YouTube course https://bit.ly/35jPxlc

11:19 Personal Chef

You can start as a one-person business offering the menu

people can choose from, coming to their house and cooking.

You can also create an additional service, where you would bring all the groceries with you. 12:40 Direct access testing

There are a lot of private labs in my home country, Russia. You

can easily come and tell them what you want to be checked,

they will run the test on you and you will get your results. No

doctor's appointment needed. We need more services like this in the US (note: some states prohibit this, but 37 states allow


15:03 Pack & move service

This is a service that helps you pack all your stuff and move it

to another place, so you don't have to worry about buying

boxes, bubble wrap, tape, and packing, etc. They would take

care of everything.

16:22 Uber for manicure and haircut

This service will allow people to invite nail or hair specialists to

their home.

17:21 Drone 17:21 Drone videographer

If you know how to operate a drone and how to create footage with a drone, you can create movies, ads, film different events or work with bloggers. There are a lot of industries that rely on images from drones.

18:20 Smart home contractor

The market for these specialists is going to double in the next

five years. A smart home contractor is someone who would come to your house, take a look at your project and create a for you system for you. 19:05 Decluttering services or professional organizing

This business is already growing in big cities. It would help

people to get rid of stuff they don't need and to organize the

space better.

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