Connect - Tutorial and Walk-through - Small Board Size - May 2024

28 days ago

~~~~~ What is Connect? ~~~~~

Connect is a tile match puzzle game where the player removes like tiles that are adjacent to each other or can be reached by drawing an unobstructed path between the tiles.

~~~~~ Is Connect Pay to Win? What about in-game advertisements? How many are there? How intrusive are they? Do you get anything for enduring them? ~~~~~

We have not encountered any advertising or payment structure in this game. Games without those features are few and far between and we celebrate those games.

One can pay $0.99 to remove the banner ads. One can pay $0.99 to unlock all tile skins.

~~~~~ Is There Any Objectionable Material in this game? ~~~~~

We're sure someone somewhere can find something objectionable with this game. We just can't find anything remotely objectionable.

~~~~~ Is Connect fun to play? Is the game challenging? Is this game a grind? ~~~~~

Connect is a good “change of pace” type of game. This is a game where can you play when you have a few minutes to kill.

We wouldn't use the word “challenging”; but this game can get frustrating.

We wouldn't use the word “grind”; but this game can get repetitive. All games get repetitive but some more than others.

We must note that there are difficulty levels in this game that are not readily apparent. There is a “gravity” feature which can be non-existent, pull tiles left, pull tiles right, pull tiles up, pull tiles down and pull tiles to the center.

~~~~~ What are the pros and cons of Connect? ~~~~~

Easy to play. Young children can play this game.
Simple mechanics.
Generous number of reshuffles granted - eight (8). At most, only two (2) shuffles are needed to clear a level.

No soothing background music. No music at all.
Only two (2) tile skins are given. One can watch an advertisement to unlock another tile skin or pay $0.99 to unlock all skins.
No indication there is more to the game than repetitive levels. Would be nice to know that it exists.

Bottom Line:
This game could use some music. Apart from that, this is a great game to let young children play and add to their library.

AI Music generated from

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