"Genocide: The Story of the Holocaust."

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Maybe a book written by someone who lived part of this story - The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne FRank: https://amzn.to/3GDeRLB

This documentary was released in 1982 and is indeed a powerful account of the Holocaust, highlighting the strength and suffering of the Jewish people during that dark period of history.

The film begins by portraying the flourishing Jewish community in pre-war Europe and then traces the grim trajectory through ghettos, concentration camps, and prisons of the Nazi regime. Narrated by Orson Welles and Elizabeth Taylor, the documentary emphasizes both the lost victims and the courageous heroes who stood up against persecution.

"Genocide" addresses an extremely sensitive subject but is essential for understanding and remembering the events of the Holocaust, ensuring that future generations are aware of the horrors that occurred and the importance of preserving the memory of these historical events.

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